
Showing posts from September, 2024


 Greetings, Those that have joined us and participated in these protracted prayer meetings, are understanding of what this call to prayer is and how it works. But there are those that we are inviting and they have many questions as to how all this works. Here is a lists of questions to help you understand better what the "100 Hours of Prayer for SBC" is all about: What is it? - It is a continual prayer time, lasting 100 hours straight. Starting at Monday, October 7 at 8 AM (EST) and going through till Friday, Noon (EST) to finish. How is it set up? - During these 100 straight hours, it is set up in 15 minute increments. This creates 400 time slots to be filled to cover all 100 hours with someone praying.  Why? This is created as a catalyst to prompt a continued spirit of prayer for SBC life. Our great need in all of SBC life is for the fulness and power of God's Spirit to do His kingdom's work. We need God! And prevailing prayer receives the blessing of God and help


 Greetings, "Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving;" Colossians 4;2 We are just under one month away from our "100 Hours of Prayer for SBC". We are set to gather as many from SBC life to have a continual spirit of prayer for the work of God to be done in us and through us. The work of God does not come about by the means of men, but by prevailing prayer. Oh, that every SBC church, over 40,000 were to be powerhouses of prayer for the kingdom of God. Truly such a spirit of prayer would enrich the church to accomplish much of the kingdoms business around the world. Have you ever pondered that all of God's work, in and by the church, has come about when God sets His people to pray. Such prayer is seeking His face, calling upon His Name, and waiting and being still to know, in our minds and hearts, that He is God.  SBC life survives and flourishes by a spirit of prayer that prevails. But the church retreats and sinks into self and sin, when the