
Showing posts from June, 2021


 Greetings, "And being in agony He prayed more earnestly; and His sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground."    Luke 22:44 A crucial, unique special time of prayer is found here.  None of us can ever say that we was in the same place as Christ for what was upon Him, and within Him at this moment.  However, the marks of this prayer is needed to be taken up by the church and the Christian to employ in our prayer times.  For nothing is worse in prayer time or corporate prayer meetings than simply 'saying prayer'.  Saying a prayer that is just mouthing words, with no earnestness in it, nor fire in their petitions and no urgency or fervency for an answer from God.    Too many it is a chore, an unfamiliar practice, a religious duty, a chore.  Such prayers avail nothing.  We need earnest prayers filled with Divine saturation for His will to be done.   This prayer was birthed out of agony.   Where is the prayer birthed out of agony today?  Many cau


  The Activity of God Going through the Bible, book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse, phrase by phrase and word by word to give attention to the following: --the Names of God; --the word & deeds of God; --the sayings of God; --the attributes of God; Too often the churches weakness and the Christians weakness is found in this one sin, 'we do not know God'.  We have not studied the Bible, nor Him to learn more of Him.  Seeking that this might be a help for myself and others in this pursuit that each of us 'may grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord. LUKE Chapter 1 1:1 - 4     Christ testimony declared and written for those that believe and had seen these things of His life and works and words.   1:6        And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless.       1:8        while he executed the priest's office before God in the order of his course.      God served by priests executing office; 1:9 


 Greetings, ". . . but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him. "   Acts 12:4 If there was ever a time to pray so as to prevail, tis now!   R. A. Torrey defines this happening of prayer for Peter, by the church, as "the church stretch-out-ed-ly" on behalf of having Peter released and spared.   They gathered, they prayed, they sought and they found and they prevailed!   What an intense prayer meeting they had to have had.  James, the brother  of John had been slain for the cause of Christ.  And no doubt, Peter was next and would be killed, if God did not intervene.  Life & Death prayer intervention!  An example of preventive praying on behalf of those that death is imminent unless someone stands in the gap for them. These instances of life and death are numerous in our age.  It is one thing to pray for healing for those physically affected, and there life hangs in the balance.  We have seen this with cancer, covid, and other issues.   We se