
Those that have joined us and participated in these protracted prayer meetings, are understanding of what this call to prayer is and how it works. But there are those that we are inviting and they have many questions as to how all this works. Here is a lists of questions to help you understand better what the "100 Hours of Prayer for SBC" is all about:

What is it? - It is a continual prayer time, lasting 100 hours straight. Starting at Monday, October 7 at 8 AM (EST) and going through till Friday, Noon (EST) to finish.

How is it set up? - During these 100 straight hours, it is set up in 15 minute increments. This creates 400 time slots to be filled to cover all 100 hours with someone praying. 

Why? This is created as a catalyst to prompt a continued spirit of prayer for SBC life. Our great need in all of SBC life is for the fulness and power of God's Spirit to do His kingdom's work. We need God! And prevailing prayer receives the blessing of God and help from God. The sin of prayerlessness receives nothing. 

Long has the spirit of prayerlessness plagued the church. Many pastors confession, "I have no prayer life." Many churches have testified, "we have no sustaining or deep prayer meetings." Almost all confess, "My prayer life needs to increase." Several old saints have stated the truth to remedy this, "You can do more than pray, when you have prayed; but you can do nothing until you have prayed." 

Who is this for? - It is designed for all SBC members. From the church pew, to the pulpit, to the SBC missionaries across seas. It is for the individual to sign up for one or more time slots; it is for a pastor to sign his church or prayer group to take one or two slots. It is for the SBC leadership to sign up, set the example and pass it along to those of their respective groups to join in and call upon the Lord. Some slots will be an individual, some slots will be church group and suggested for seminaries to have their chapel services take a time slot. But it is a call for all to join. 

How do you sign up? There is a google document with allowance for people to access. All the time slots are according to (EST). For those of other time zones, make sure you adapt your sign up time to pray with your respective time zone. Sign up is simply go to the day, Monday through Friday; go to your hour and find your 15 minute time slot and type name or group into that slot. The google document saves the name where they typed it in that time slot.

What do we pray for? The prayer time is left to the individual to come before the Lord with their requests and petitions. But there are several prayer targets that we would love to see all agree to in prayer:

1. Revival to fall upon churches. God's Manifest Presence to be upon His churches. Much of the kingdom is advanced when God comes down and shows up in such a manner.

2. Praying specifically for SBC pulpits. There is a need for God called, unction filled men of God to be raised up to fill the pulpits to declare God's whole truth. Pray for those to be called; pray for those already called and serving, to be filled with that unction from God; pray for their protection, because Satan comes greatly against the pastor and the pulpits of the church today. Far too many wolves in sheeps clothing and those preaching/teaching half truths and whole lies. 

3.  Pray for the church. It is Christ's bride. She is to be ready for His coming and we fear she is not ready in this present hour. Pray for the church to be holy, faithful, righteous and light in this world and for His glory. Pray for the Lord to do a work in the midst of His people during these days of great need. Pray against all attacks and issues that detracts from God's glory. Pray for the church that she would be heavenly minded, not earthly minded; she would be eternal, not temporal; that she would be spiritual, not fleshly. 

4. Pray for the SBC life: its 6 seminaries; for the entity bodies, its leaders and work to be done;  witness of SBC in this world; and the work of the SBC among this world. Pray against the things of flesh and hell that seek to lead us astray, to cause fruits of evil, rather than fruits of God's goodness. Pray for each SBC member to "war a good warfare". 

These are only suggestions. Those of you that already pray regularly for the SBC, these things you know how to pray for them. But there may be some, that these are some new suggested prayer targets. But there is a great need for a spirit of prayer to settle upon us. The kingdom, His church, do not advance without prevailing prayer. Hell does not retreat without prevailing prayer. 

Brethren, let us pray so as to prevail!

If there be other questions or issues, please contact me. You are to sign up, and pass along to others. The best result and goal is that we desire to see every time slot filled. And that every time slot will be filled with 10 - 15 individuals/groups, forming a spirit of continual, in agreement, prevailing, powerful praying time.

Dan Biser


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