
"Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving;" Colossians 4;2

We are just under one month away from our "100 Hours of Prayer for SBC". We are set to gather as many from SBC life to have a continual spirit of prayer for the work of God to be done in us and through us. The work of God does not come about by the means of men, but by prevailing prayer. Oh, that every SBC church, over 40,000 were to be powerhouses of prayer for the kingdom of God. Truly such a spirit of prayer would enrich the church to accomplish much of the kingdoms business around the world. Have you ever pondered that all of God's work, in and by the church, has come about when God sets His people to pray. Such prayer is seeking His face, calling upon His Name, and waiting and being still to know, in our minds and hearts, that He is God. 

SBC life survives and flourishes by a spirit of prayer that prevails. But the church retreats and sinks into self and sin, when the prayers have grown cold. There has been a great flourish of baptisms and encouragement across the church in North America because "the wind of the Spirit is blowing in the mulberry trees".  Let us continue in prayer that God continues to move and work powerfully and wonderfully among every SBC fabric. Let us set before Him, the petitions and supplications for a lost world. A harvest that is ripe, but few laborers; and pray as He instructed us: "Pray for the laborers to be raised up and sent forth". There are far too many pulpits and churches without pastors and shortage of those being called in to the ministry. Let us set this before Him, that He would move mightily to raise up Divine called and chosen men to preach the Word of God, in season and out of season.  Let us pray one for another, as there is much evil and God's judgement upon our land, cities, homes and loved ones. I ask you, what are you praying for? what are you praying against?

You are only being asked to sign up for 15 minutes during the week of October 7 - 11. During this 15 minutes of prayer, pray as you are led of God. Those that are seasoned in prayer, you know what to bring before the Lord. But if you are not sure, or not used to praying specifically for the SBC, we set before you a consideration:
15 Minutes of Prayer:
1. first 5 minutes just worship the Lord; declaring His Names and the power that they are, His attributes and all of His glory that they resonate.  Use verses and specific Names and attributes that are all of that which God has given us and revealed about Who He is to us.

2.  use the next 5 minutes to specifically confess the sins of God's church and our own hearts; Wherein do we come short of His glory? Isaiah saw the glory of God and cried out, "Woe is me, for I am undone, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips." Headlines reveal the perversion in churches and the pulpits, let us cry out to God for our uncleanness. Confess the sins of disobedience, James 4:17; sin of prayerlessness; sins of silence; sins of neglect; anything in our lives that is unholy and tainted with flesh over Spirit, with earth over heaven, with temporal over eternal purposes. 

3. last remaining 5 minutes, cover the SBC life as He leads. Over 40 state conventions, over 1000 associations, over 40,000 churches, 6 seminaries and other baptist schools, IMB, NAMB and other entities to be brought before the Lord for His glory and honor. Pray for the pulpits, pray for the pews, PRAY!

Thank you to those that have already signed up. Help promote others to join us from SBC life. Get ready for our time of continued prayers.

The google sign up sheet is below, mark your name in the day and time slot. May we see the Lord honor the prayers of the saints as it is continually brought before His most Holy throne. Let us pray in agreement, "Thy kingdom come, and Thy will be done, here on earth, as it is in heaven." He is worthy!

If you did not receive or read the first letter of invitation it is found on my blog:

dan biser


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