SBC 100 Hours of Prayer - #5 Invite Letter

"that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints ascended up before God. . . ." Revelation 8:3 - 4

We are now 1 week away from our 100 Hours of Prayer for SBC. 
Start: Monday, October 7 at 8 AM (EST)
Concludes: Friday, October 11 at Noon (EST)
Invite letter #5 to SBC

This is a call to prayer among all aspects of SBC life. A catalyst for SBC to engage in prayer with a continual, protracted and unified voice to the Lord for SBC life. Our above Scripture in opening is the great picture of God's throne room. In Revelations, there is the reference of the "prayer of the saints" being offered up before the Lord. This is not just for our prayers to be offered up, they are to answered. What good does it do to pray, without prevailing? Such praying that approaches the Lord God and receives from Him a response, "I have not only heard you, but I will answer you." These prayers usually are ferevent and urgent. We look across all of SBC life, thanking and praising God for what He has done in our midst. But how much more could the Lord advance His kingdom, His Name and His will among the nations, to a people wholly yielded and crying out in unified prayer, "Glorify Thy Name among the nations and within Your church Lord"?

We set before you this call to pray 15 minutes. 
To worship for 5 minutes: Declaring and offering great praises and thanksgiving before His throne. Declaring Who He is in His Names. Speaking each of His Names knowing that each Name declares His glory, attributes and works. Worshipping Him, Who is worthy for all that He has done, is doing and shall do. Glorifying Him for His grace and mercy that allows for us to approach boldly before Him and adore His glory Shekinah and beholding the appearance as described in Revelation 1 of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

To confess before Him in prayer for 5 minutes: bringing before Him, the SBC life and in all places that we have "come short of His glory". Confessing sin in the pulpits of God's called men, who have been apathetic, lethargic and unbelieving. More worldly than heavenly, more earthly, than spiritual. Forgive us Lord for where much is given, much is required; and we must answer for what You have entrusted the SBC in all its advances. What have we done with our tithes, our time and our talents? Forgive us Lord when we invested such things on self, rather than the Savior. Forgive us for dry eyes, when we see a world perishing without the Gospel; forgive us for empty prayer closets and neglect of churches from being houses of prayer. Forgive for each sin that does so easily beset SBC members and workers. You said, "if we would confess our sins, You are faithful and just to forgive us our sins." By the blood of Christ, cleanse us & cleanse me.

To petition and intercede before the Lord for SBC life for 5 minutes: Make your request known to Him. Pray for laborers into the harvest near and far! Pray for Divine help upon the labors of the SBC in all of its ministries and entities. Two things largely missing from the church today, the Presence of the Holy Ghost and the power of God. "Go into the city and be endued with power" then go to the work of the kingdom.  We often do it in reverse, we go then we ask God to bless with His Spirit. Let us seek the Lord and pray for one another. There is a great assault by the enemy on our brethren. Let us pray for victory, faithfulness and holiness to prevail in each SBC member, in each pulpit and each worker. Remember, as the church goes, so goes the nation. The plight of our nation, is due largely to the state of the church. Let us seek God for a revival of His Manifest Presence, which will then lead to a great spiritual awakening among the lost masses. In these troubled days of our nation, let us pray for the church to be more like Jesus in everything we do and say, for His glory. Pray for overcoming!

Grateful to those that have supported and signed up. As it stands this Monday morning:
3 out of our 6 SBC seminaries are participating;
we have almost 25% of our SBC state convention leaders signed on;
we are approaching 175 of the 400 time slots open.

May we be obedient to the heavenly call of continuous, unified, protracted praying for Him to receive the glory due to His Name.

Dan Biser


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