BROKEN & CONTRITE #3 Invite Letter for 100 Hours of Prayer for SBC

"For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, Whose Name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones." Isaiah 57:15

"The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a brokena nd a contrite heart, O God, Thou wilt not despise." Psalm 51:17

"The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit." Psalm 34:18

We are under 3 weeks, October 7 - 11, before our time of "100 HOURS OF PRAYER FOR SBC". Thanking God for those that have been moved to join us for this needed time to pray. Why do we need this time? Because we need God! We continue to see our nation sinking into an evil abyss. We continue to see far to many souls lost and perishing. Even though there is a season of refreshing among many churches with increased baptisms, the majority of churches are still without the power and Presence of the Holy Spirit. Headlines are filled with evil happenings. Stats continue to set historic records. Prayer changes these things; not just praying, for many have been praying for decades to see God move powerfully and wonderfully. It is the spirit of prevailing prayer. 

That type of prayer comes from protracted, fervent, urgent prayers from those that know the emergency of this hour. This emergency is upon our nation, cities, homes, churches and future. The two terms above in our opening Scriptures are the driving fervency in such prayer, brokenness and contiriton. A spirit of prayer filled with tears of brokenness, anguish, woe, awe and desire. Cries of contrition over all the moments of "coming short of His glory", of those that continue in sin and contrition for churches and nation that has forsaken Him. They are broken and contrite over the One Who holds all things for His will, glory and purposes. Do you see brokenness and contiriton in those new in the faith, coming for His great salvation? Do you see brokenness and contrition in your prayer meetings? 

I see brokenness in the funeral homes, in the ICU rooms of hospitals; I see in the living rooms and kitchens, brokenness of parents whose children have sunk themselves into great sin. I see brokenness and contrition after what they have sown and is now being reaped. Are we so prone to always be broken and contrite after catsophre and calamities? Let us intercede in prayer for those that are not broken and contrite. Let us be broken and contrite, because the Lord is near and receives them that are. And if we don't know what that is or what that looks like, then let us ask of the Lord, "teach us how to pray rightly". 

We live in a broken world, filled with broken homes, broken hearts, broken lives, broken systems, and broken marriages and relationships. There is a God Who is able to mend, to deliver, to fix, to help and to make right this brokenness. In God all things are right; without God, nothing is right. The prayer meeting is where we find God's rightness. Many churches and Christians have forsaken prayer times and prayer meetings. The protracted prayer meetings are hard things to find. This 100 hours of prayer is a protracted prayer meeting requiring SBC to participate. All are invited to sign up and join us in their respective times that we may come before Him, broken and contrite for this great hour of need.

Thank you again to those that have joined and signed up. One hundred hours requires 400 individuals and groups to fill these time slots of 15 minute increments. If you have signed up, pass along to another SBC member and ask them to join us. If you have not signed up, the google document is below here. Also is a blog posts defining and answering some of the questions as to who, what, how and why. Thank you again for your attention to this. Let us pray so as to prevail!

Dan Biser 



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