"Moreover the Lord shall raise him up a king over Israel, who shall cut off the house of Jeroboam that day: but what? even now." I Kings 14:14

". . .I will bring their calamity from all sides. . ." Jeremiah 49:32

This 100 hours of prayer for SBC is just a drop in the bucket compared to what is needed—namely, a continuous and protracted time of prayer. It is simply a catalyst to invoke and promote prayer among SBC. You are asked to sign up for 15 minutes. There is no way that we can pray for everything of SBC life in 15 minutes. Most churches and individuals spend their time in prayer, largely over 90%, for physical needs. Spiritual prayer requests are largely never mentioned nor prayed for. But we are in a spiritual warfare that requires of us to pray spiritually. We all should know Ephesians 6, for who we are warring against. And Paul tells his son in the faith Timothy, "War a good warfare." What should I pray for in these 15 minutes? 

Easily one could spend the entire 15 minutes praying for each SBC seminary, faculty and leadership; each of the SBC entities and its leadership; each SBC state convention and associations; this would easily fill the time in prayer, plus some. There is nothing wrong with this. But allow for me to share in this post what my prayer will largely given to.

We, as a nation, are in serious trouble with the great increase in evil. This increase of evil falls back upon the church. How do we fight against it? how did we get here? What do we pray? Few do we find in prayer meetings pushing back against this evil that has come to our streets, our homes, and our headlines. But we should pray and anchor on the directive from God's word, "greater is He that is in us, than he that is in this world." We are a part of God's church and kingdom in the SBC. Look at the war that rages in churches, in theology differences, in our headlines, consider all that has come against us. See this in the phrase above, 'from all sides" is this warfare come. God is Omnipotent, and God can send it or God can cause it to cease. Each headline of another sexual abuse case, another pastor fallen in adultery, another church fight and split, more allegations here and venom spewed against those near and far all from our SBC family. It is a constant barrage. When are these things happening? "But what? even now." 

It states in the verses that God will bring these things upon us. Woe unto any that the Lord sets Himself against; but blessed are those whom the Lord is for. Do you remember the warning He gave to the church of Ephesus in Revelation 2? "Repent and do your first works, lest I come and remove your candlestick." A war has come against us from all sides; even now, it is upon us. A war from without, a war from within; a war among us, and  a war against us; a war from others, and a war from ourselves; it is the war of ages that we are found in. This war has eternal purposes and consequences. The weapons of our warfare begins with all things being covered in prayer and comes from prayer.  

You are asked to join us in 15 minutes to fight this war alongside your brothers and sisters in Christ. In your prayer closets, on your knees, or corporately among others, praying for each other that we all might war a good warfare for His glory and honor. Praying for deliverance as the enemy comes from all sides against our churches, the pulpits, our families, cities and our very future. Remember, "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." Will you join in taking time to pray and join in this continual prayer time that we are found praying for "His kingdom come and His will to be done." 

Dan Biser


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