SBC 100 Hours of Prayer - #6 Invite Letter


"It is is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not." Lamentations 3:22

Starting:  Monday, October 7, 8 AM (EST)
Finishing: Friday, October 11, Noon (EST)

This is the last invite letter to SBC #6. Thank you again to those already signed up. Please pass along to other pastors, churches and prayer leaders.

Why have we not yet been consumed as a nation? It is due to the Lord's mercies and compassion. For now, God has seen fit to preserve us and allow us to continue. However, we are on a path contrary to the ways of God. In just the first 24 years of this century, look at how far our nation has strayed from Him. Headline after headline, person after person, church after church, and loved one after loved one are drifting away from God, rather than coming to Him. Such a trend of evil and waywardness cannot continue without God bringing final judgment. Remedial judgments are already constantly upon us. Many lack the eyes to see or the knowledge to recognize God’s judgments against a people who have forgotten and forsaken Him. There is no doubt we are in the battle of our lives—for the future of our church and our nation. God is our only remedy!

The power of prevailing prayer is not our last line of defense; it should be our first response. This 100 hours of prayer is unique for many across the SBC, but only because protracted prayer times have largely ceased in our day. When was the last corporate prayer meeting you attended? When was the last time, in your secret closet of prayer, that you could honestly sing, "’Tis the Blessed Hour of Prayer"? The flourishing of prayer brings mercy and compassion; the neglect of prayer brings judgment. For a long time, the Lord has been sending remedial judgments to our nation. In His grace, mercy, and compassion, He is giving us warnings to help us understand just how far we have strayed from Him. I fear we have largely failed to grasp this. But there is already a consuming happening among us. Drug overdose deaths, cancer, suicides, murder-suicides, and homicides have set records every year for the last ten years. Where is the prayer of faith that confronts such evil in our day?

These remedial judgments will continue until we reach the final judgment, from which there will be no escape. We are rapidly approaching the fulfillment of II Chronicles 36:16, "till there was no remedy." There comes a time when God tells His intercessors, "Do not pray for them anymore, for I will not hear you." I fear we are rapidly approaching this point. Therefore, we call for prayer and set aside days of fasting before the Lord for our nation, our future, and our churches. This 100 hours of prayer is focused on crying out to God—not to consume us, but to help us. With the Lord, we can do all things; without Him, we can do nothing. Let us give ourselves to prayer!

This prayer time only lasts 5 days. Our desire is that it may birth a greater spirit of prayer among us in SBC life. That while we are taking our 15 minutes, may God move us greatly to be much more in prayer and before Him. May we come out of this with a resolve, "I give myself unto prayer" (Psalm 109:4). May we be more intentional about set times of prayer personally, and among SBC life. We are to be houses of prayer and we are to be a people of prayer! 
"The hour is late, the need is great; let us pray so as to prevail." 

All 6 of the SBC invite letters are found on my blog. Below is the web address to access that. There will be one more letter that is written after the 100 hours of prayer for a consensus of SBC life represented in those that signed up. I do not have all the emails for those that signed up, but we will try to account for who has joined us among SBC life.   

Dan Biser


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