100 Hours of Prayer for SBC - 20024

"And David said, What have I now done?  Is there not a cause?"  I Samuel 17:29

David had heard the words of Goliath. He had heard him defy the armies of Israel, and blaspheme the Name of his God. A holy anger welled up in him to do something about it. All the others, including his own brothers, feared and fainted before Goliath. But David contended with those of the army soldiers of Israel, and his own brothers that something must be done against this uncircumcised Philistine. David asked two questions:
1. "What have I now done?"
2. "Is there not a cause?"

Set before you now are these same two questions. I ask of you the same questions in light of our current status. "Evil has come in like a flood" (Isaiah 59) upon our land, our cities, our families, minds and hearts of men and women, and even within the churches. God declares in Isaiah 59, that when evil does come in like a flood, that He raises up a standard against this evil. Therefore, I am asking of you for 15 minutes to put forth to this cause that is before us. I am asking you to pray in agreement over the issues of our day for SBC. To the question, "what have I now done?", you will answer, "I have prayed and prevailed with my God for this generation and those to come." 

"Is there not a cause?" Most certainly, there is a cause! We see evil impacting our nation like never before. We see evil impacting our pulpits and churches like never before. A cause? Yes, a cause, to not allow for Satan's will and ways to be done. but rather to give ourselves to prayer, so that God's will and ways will be accomplished and done. He is worthy of our time and priority to get on our knees, and/or faces for 15 minutes and beseech Him, "In wrath remember mercy." 

"Is there a cause to join and pray?" Yes, there is! There is 330,000 million population in the US; close to 275,000 to 300,000 million are without Christ and perishing. Of the world's population over 8 billion souls, it is estimated that 1 billion are under the age of accountability; 1 billion are Christians, leaving 6 billion without a saving knowledge of Christ. The SBC churches in North America, are over 40,000; but how many are plateaued and declining? Another cause, there are not enough young men entering into the ministry to preach the gospel and fill the many vacant pulpits. Is there cause? Yes, heaven mourns and hell scoffs at us. What will we do about such stats and present conditions? 

There are many that say they pray for the SBC and its entities, and churches. Praise God for those that do pray regularly for His bride and His kingdom. But many have confessed that they don't pray enough. They desire for their prayer life to be more than what it is. There is a cause to bring before our Lord, that He would make us houses of prayer and men and women of prayer. Let us not be unfaithful, prayerless or hit and miss with praying for the SBC. But may this 100 Hours of Prayer turn into a continued spirit of prayer among us, that continues to saturate the churches, cities and land for His glory and honor. This is fulfilling the Scripture, "pray one for another".  Oh, how we need Him! Do you remember the old hymn, "I Need You Every Hour"? Let us change it to "I Need You Every Moment."  

Elections are coming for our nation. A very pivotal moment in our history again. May the SBC understand that prayer can move mountains and prevail with God. Prayer makes the impossible things of man possible by the hand and will of God. Prayer brings the lost out of darkness into His eternal Light. Prayer enables the humanism of religion, churches and denominations to  fail, but prevails to usher forth the Spirit of God to fall upon His people for a spirit of real revival and Divine visitation. One cry to answer, "Is there a cause?" Yes! The prayer petition is simple, "Help us, O God!"

SUGGESTED PRAYER TARGETS: (you may pray for whatever the Spirit prompts you to pray for) We are only suggesting these 3 prayer targets, that we may be found praying in agreement.
1.  Worship (suggested 5 minutes) - praise and honor unto Him; His Names and all that they mean to us; HIs great attributes that expresses, how great is our God; and His works and deeds of creation, salvation, answered prayers and mercies, He is worthy!;
2.  Confession (suggested 5 minutes) crying out to God for forgiveness and deliverance from sin found in our churches, pulpits and hearts. Confession of "coming short of His glory"; disobedience; lack of prayer or prayerlessness; lack of evangelism; weak faith; sinf of the flesh, mind or heart; Humanism and carnality that has found its way into the church; forgive us for being unholy, unthankful, unforgiving, etc. 
3.  Petition (suggested 5 minutes) - our greatest need if for God to send Revival!; prayer for lost souls and nations; prayer for His Bride to be pure, undefiled and ready for His coming; prayer for deliverance from evil that is near and far; prayer for God to raise up laborers for the fields, and for called and chosen men of God to fill the pulpits; prayer for the pulpits to anointed with Unction from on High; a prayer for our nation and where we are and where we are going. 

Date: October 7 - 11, 2024

Begin at 8:00 AM (EST), for 100 straight hours, through Noon (EST) on Friday.

Sign up is for praying in 15 minute increments. This creates 400 time slots to be filled. 

We are asking of SBC leaders, pastors, prayer warriors, and any SBC member to join us in this needed prayer time.  Take one time slot, pass along to others to join us and fill the complete 100 hours.


Dan Biser


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