"The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth:  so is every one that is born of the Spirit." 

The great work of the kingdom of God is not with denominations, or religion, nor is it found in men and their means. But it is in the Spirit of God, that the work of God's kingdom is done. And without the Spirit moving, working and being for God's glory, whatever men may do or try is nothing, but vanity. There is an absolute necessity for the Spirit to do the work. In this verse above, the Spirit of God working and moving, is compared to the wind that we know of in our atmosphere. 

It was a few weeks ago, that the SBC was celebrating the news that baptisms had increased the previous year, 26%. Some state conventions seeing double digit increases. All of this after years and decades of decreases and troubling signs of the time for baptism numbers. But at the same, the contrast of one denomination celebrating, "look what the Lord hath done", there was another mainline denomination, the United Methodists, that were celebrating that they had affirmed the LGBTQ groups into minsitry and their hcurches. That which God has already spoken and declared, "I abhor. . . I hate" this abomination being done by individuals, by nations and communities. That which God hates, those that declare they are of Him, are loving. How can children of Light, love that which God hates? It is not possible. For as He is, so must we be. Love the things that God loves and the way in which He loves; hate the things He hates, and the way in which He does so. A warning is given concerning such things, "do not add to, nor take away" from that which the Lord has declared.

It is a strange time for the church today. Because of this heresy, and blasphemy, it is increasing, in those groups, denomations, that we have long been apart of, supported and saw as "His church". But we are in a day that is revealing who is truly the Lord's, and those that are not His'. How do we know whose they are? or Whose we are? Because of this chapter 3, in John. Ye must be born again, is the emphasis and teaching of Christ. The truth of being born again, is this declaration from Him, "it is the wind of the Spirit" that does the work. The Apostle Paul said this way in I Corinthians, "one sow, another reaps, but it is GOD that gives the increase." 

Started:  June 15, 2024



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