"I know thy works" Revelation 2:2

Christ declares to each of the 7 churches in Revelation 2 & 3, 'I know thy works.' God is Omniscient and Omnipresent, He sees, hears and knows not only what we do, but why we do it. Now we approach the end of the year and it is healthy to consider what our works have been. What did you do for the cause of Christ? What did you do to enlarge His kingdom? What did you do for your purposes, for your sake? What sins were allowed and practiced? Each of these are to be dealt with thoroughly in our prayer closets before Him. With each crying out, I pray, with great desire, 'More works done for Thee, Lord in the new year and the close of this year.'

The works of men, I care not to mention or deal with too much. but the works of our spiritual discipline is always it seems on my mind. "Am I growing? am I faithful? am I serving? is He being glorified?" How many of our church members have already completed their bible readings this year; some have done it multiple times. Rejoicing in those few that have said, 'this year, my prayer life has strengthened and deepened.' Now granted they are few that testify to this, but I celebrate in that. The theme has been and continues, that 'our churches would become houses of prayer; and Christians would be men and women of prayer." And how grateful to hear of those that come over this year and declare, 'I was able to share Jesus with them'; or, 'I was able to lead so and so to Christ this week.'  Granted this is rare, but this year we have seen an increase in God's grace upon our nation. Fasting and prayer, memorization of Scriptures and more reading of devotions and great Christian classics among the brethren has all been testified too. In all these things their works are seen and known because they are hungering and thirsting after righteousness. 

It is the question of these spiritual disciplines, what does Christ see, when He sees your works?  In this day, there is much of those that are content, 'settled on their lees', and unmoved to learn any more, do any more or even attempt to do so. Have they forgotten the accountability at the great white judgement seat? The Lord asking and revealing, 'what did you do with what I gave you?' Almost hard to find among the church today is those that take Paul's words as a standard, motto or seek for it to be their epitaph, 'spend and be spent' for the cause of the kingdom and Christ glory. But brethren, our time is short and our opportunities are limited. We know the stats and the percentages of how few read their bibles through; how few share the gospel with any one in a years time; and how few pray and stay before the Lord. All of these things have cost us greatly in our walk and work for the Lord.  As I shared a few years ago, in a research of SBC churches, association, and entities, we asked how many prayed at least 1 hour corporately per month. The average was 17%; meaning 83% were not even praying one hour a month together. And I applied this hope to this stat: "Can you imagine what SBC life would look like if we reverse that state and found 83% praying one hour corporately a month"? I don't think we could contain the advance of the kingdom if such was done. Perhaps this will be your goal for the new year.

We come to the close of the year. And in one week our 100 hours of prayer will see this year out and the new begin. Are your works to come before the Lord to see what works the Lord might do through prevailing prayer? That 100 hours of prayer to pray for the 3 prayer targets in agreement believing that promise that "If two of your shall agree as touching anything here on earth, it shall be done for you in heaven." A prayer initiative that advances His kingdom, His glory and His works through His church. Few have signed up for it, thus, I ask of you to join us and sign up. A continual, persistent cry lifted up to the Lord for these priorities in prayer:
1. Revival - a great year for spiritual awakening; but little of a revival of holiness or yieldenness and surrender; Pray for God's Divine power to fall upon the church. 
2.  Church - great languishing among many churches and the great need for the Bride of Christ to be holy, faithful and righteous.  Far too many headlines of leadership found in sin and a cleansing and deliverance is needed for our brothers and sisters in Christ. "Lord, make Your church pure and holy." Pray one for another that we may be kept and presented before Him faultless.
3.  Spiritual warfare - a great evil is upon our cities, homes and the minds and hearts of men; little prayer will yield little resistance, but great prayer can undo and bring to pass, 'deliver them from evil'. Suicides, killings, drugs and addictions and great evil abounds in ways that we have never seen. Yet, Christ said, 'I give you the keys to the kingdom to bind and loose.'   
Brethren, I ask of you in your prayer and faith, what are you binding and what are you loosing??

Join us December 28, 8 AM (EST) through Jan. 1, Noon (EST).  15 minute time slots to sign up.   Simply go to the excel sheet and click it on, and sign your name for your designated times.  Remember for you in other time zones to adjust to EST.  

SBC prayer sheet:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rp4_qeEfc72dkPULym6bxw7htI965cEfM5sST8dEsr0/edit#gid=0

Local churches/BBtT prayer partners prayer sheet:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15mJnLUORjmul2dYzDRf_0A-_8t8oH-B41gbuWiv6x3Q/edit?pli=1#gid=0


1.  Drugs/Alcohol - the judgement of God bringing death and dying, that has touched or is touching every county, every city, every church, every home; death and dying and the process of pain for those that will not be delivered or helped;
2.  Children -  continued each week, and it seems accelerating at the close of this year, new cases of perversion by pastors, youth ministers and teachers. Neglect, abuse, great harm upon our very future in this sin of neglect.
3.  LGBT - they continue to grow, secure the future of our nation, to bring us to our demise and end; God will not allow this evil to be accepted in laws, or by edicts, like that from the pope earlier this week.
4. Pestilence - cancers continue to abound like never before; new covid and influenza;
5. Natural Disasters -  continued calamities of earthquakes, fires, floods, storms;
6. Great Evil - with just 10 days remaining in this year, this great epidemic on our nation is God's judgement against us - death and dying. Murder-suicides will more than break or tie the record of 670. Not quite 2 per day, but still hard pressed.  Police officers death is at 46, not quite 1 per week; unprecedented. And mass murders at sitting att 10 for the month of December already. And currently stands at 66 for the year, well over 1 per week. Minds and hearts are evil affected and require a great prayer movement to counter and resist and deliver this evil. 

7. Economy - how long does this bubble keeping growing before it bursts? Let there be no doubt, God is able to give prosperity, and God is able to take it away.  And He can do it, in a moment. Utter collapse. I fear the church and vast majority of America are no where near such a catastrophic collapse of food, utilities and money access. 

--bible reading - set to finish right on Dec. 31, for my #62 time; word studies this time has been "take/taken"; new year word study will be "turn"; 
--Questions of the Bible - 2249 in Old Testament; 619 in Gospels; currently in Romans, should be done in Jan.;
--A Word blog - currently up to Jeremiah 38:10; rejoicing that I was able to finish all verses in chapters 35 - 38;  still many om chapters 32 - 34 that are started but not finished; 
--Monday Bible study - up through Deuteronomy 27; 
--Thursday Hour of Prayer continues, with just 2 more for this year;
--1st and 3rd Sunday evening of each month will continue for Community Prayer for pastors and churches;  fast on Thursday for revival & churches & community;

Dan Biser

Started:  December 21, 2023

Finished:   December 21, 2023


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