Prayer Email - 100 Hours of Prayer for SBC - III


"men ought always to pray, and not to faint."  Luke 18:1

 In the last month, we have had a Solemn Assembly for our local churches; followed by '100 Hours of Prayer' for the local churches & many of you, my prayer partners on this prayer email joined us.  And now we come to this last protracted time of prayer, 100 Hours of Prayer for SBC.  God sets His people to pray for His purposes and His will to be done.  And yet, prayer is hard to find among the churches today.  Many know they should pray, but refuse to make time.  Many desire to pray better, but have no teaching on how to pray.  Neither are they around seasoned prayer warriors that can impart what they have learned.  And much of the evil and wickedness of today in our nation, cities and homes, is because, we, as God's people have ceased praying.

A generation ago, you could hear and know of 'all night prayer meetings'.  Now, they are a rare diamond to find.  Among Wednesday night church services, for many it was or is still called, 'prayer meeting & Bible study'; yet the prayer meeting is simply opening and closing in prayer and perhaps taking prayer requests, which is generally physical needs, no spiritual needs mentioned.   Very little, to no corporate prayer times are happening in the churches.  And many that are asked, 'Do you pray?"  Become defensive and answer immediately, 'well of course, I/we pray."  But there is much that is called prayer today, which is simply 'mental thoughts' about the person, or need.  They give thought to it, but there is no communication to the Lord; and even littler time spent listening to the Lord.  Prayer is that communication before the Lord and with the Lord.  It is not simply thinking about a situation, event, person, and then thinking that they prayed over it, or for it.  

And it is a needful question that we must be asked, and to answer honestly.
"Do you pray?"
"Do you fast?"
"Do you weep?" 
Questions that I feel we have stopped asking.  Perhaps, because of the answer; perhaps because we cant ask what we aren't doing ourselves.  There were those that took offence when I asked them to join this protracted & focused time of prayer for SBC.  "I always pray for the SBC" was their reply.  And that is good, but this is praying in agreement with one another; this is a continual time of prayer coming before the Lord for 100 hours.  Regardless, the command is there, the privilege is given and the need is as great as ever, we must pray!   Every salvation, has it not come from someone praying?  Every miracle and healing, has it not come from someone praying?  Every advancement of the kingdom, is it not because someone prayed?   Every revival & spiritual awakening has come because someone prayed.

The great saints, the biographies of great men and women of God, are found in this secret, they prayed.  There is that phrase in Acts, with the Apostle Paul, 'the place where prayer was wont to be made.'   And it is the necessary moment of His kingdom and church today, we need God!   And the only way that this is done, is through prayer.  We are commanded, to have and be 'houses of prayer'; we are to be men and women of prayer.  Give yourself to be as the disciples, 'Lord, teach us to pray."    

The enemy is not restrained, the thoughts are not taken captive, nor the strongholds tore down, without someone prevailing in prayer.  Hell advances when God's people cease praying.  Reprobate minds are established when God's people limit or negate prayer times.  The flood of evil is not abated unless someone prays.  Souls are not saved, unless someone prays.  His kingdom work and mission endeavors do not accelerate unless God's people pray.  Victory, overcoming and power are demonstrated to God's people, when God's people pray.  Therefore it must be our resolve to pray, so as to prevail.  

So I set before you the question again, 'do you pray?'  And even though your answer may be affirmed.  We all know that there must be an increase in our prayer lives, corporate prayer in the church, and a return to prevailing prayer before Him.  Be resolved to give more time to prayer.  With evil arising and increasing, can any Christian not see the need to increase calls to prayer, and prayer times?  Join others to increase prayer in your locale.  Take on the priority to advance His kingdom to the nations, by the power of prayer.  Take the time to spend your 15 minutes in this protracted 100 hours of prayer, for God to do a work in us and among us that can only be explained, 'look what the Lord hath wrought'.   

100 HOURS OF PRAYER FOR SBC  -  August 7 - 11; 15 minute segments;  

Only hit 1/2 of the 400 time slots.  For those of you, my prayer partners and prayer leaders from our weekly prayer email, I'm going to ask you to step in and help us fill some of those slots.  SBC should have easily filled in the 400 time slots, but lack of response and help to promote ran us this much short.  SBC has 47,000, and that meant we only needed 1% to take 1 slot; very few pastors and churches took time slots.  So prayer partners, even though I know many of you are not SBC, if you could help us I would greatly appreciate it.  Thank you.  Here is our 3 focused prayer targets:

1.  Revival - a Divine visitation of God upon His church and the pulpits;  great moments of history has been made when God poured out His fullness upon His church.  This is our greatness need.

2.  "Possess the land" - Deuteronomy 30;  Go in and possess it for His glory Name's sake; Psalm 2 - "Ask of Me, and I shall give thee the nations for Thy possession"; give us our cities, streets, homes, and the minds & hearts of men that are evil affected in these days;  Possess us, O Lord, take us and use us all of SBC life for Your glory;  

3.  A prayer for God to work in, and through SBC for His kingdoms will and ways.  'Finish the task";  Gospel to go to all nations, raise up within us laborers for the harvest, for it is white.  

Below is the google document for sign up:

1. Drugs/Alcohol -   
death & dying & destruction; 
2.  Children - 
continued news reports and arrests of church workers, teachers; abuse and neglect, sext trafficking;  
3.  Natural Disasters -  drought severe in north west of US & central states, with Texas; hurricanes have been quiet; earthquakes extremely quiet after record setting pace of 7.0 or greater earthquakes for the first 5 months of this year; 
4.  LGBT -  continued surge of gaining ground, next generation accepting; Churches and Christians compromising with this Romans 1 annihilation; 
5.  Pestilence -   covid strain surging; leprosy in Central FL; STD's at record stats; cancer; 
6.  Great Evil - mass murders at 5, avg. 6 per month; a year ago, we were avg. 1 per month; 7 police officers shot & killed, exceeding 2X as much as the 1 per week in the first 6 months of this year; mass shooting & murder-suicides still at record pace for exceeding 600 for the year; 
7.  Economy - collapse; restructure; impacts unclear; Brics to meet Aug. 15; digital currency;

--bible readings up through the end of I Corinthians; only 10 days remain to finish; word study - Tell/Told/Testify;
--A Word blog - up through the end of Jeremiah chapter 32, 44 verses, all started; this last week and 1/2 I have been to start the verses but not finish them; especially this week on vacation;
--Monday bible study - it will be good to get back;  Deuteronomy 15; and will discuss SBC 100 Hours of Prayer;
--Thursday Hour of Prayer - will be yielded to the whole hour covering the SBC 100 Hours of Prayer;
--1st & 3rd Sunday of each month Community Prayer with Pastors at 6 PM;  our first gathering since the Solemn Assembly and the 100 Hours of Prayer for our churches;
--100 Hours of Prayer for SBC, August 7 - 11; 
--Keyser church resumes 8/6 at 10 AM:  Fox's Hollow SS at 2 PM will be hour of prayer; worship at 3 PM;
--Fast each Thursday, all day;

Dan Biser

Started:  August 4, 2023

Finished:   August 5, 2023


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