"Ye shall be holy; for I the Lord your God am holy."  Leviticus 19:2
"Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy."  I Peter 1:16

First, let me thank you, for those that prayed for our Solemn Assembly last week!  God met us there!  What I had intended to be an hour and 1/2 or two hour prayer meeting, lasted 3 hours.  And the comment by many was, 'We went 3 hours; I thought it was only an hour."  And I remembered the words of AW Tozer, 'in revival, all time ceases'.  Now we are not in revival, but God is very real right now among us!  

Secondly, as I told several of these local pastors, "I cannot imagine why God would call us to this Solemn Assembly, followed now by 100 Hours of Prayer; unless He was getting ready to do something."    Thank you for those of you signed on to pray with us, and for us.

Thirdly, God worked wondrously in a big way yesterday!  Balancing the Solemn Assembly, and two 100 Hours of Prayer, has pushed me to the brink.  But its all worth it, especially as I see God working.  The local 100 Hours of Prayer for our community, is all but set, its pretty much just doing it now.  But the SBC 100 Hours of Prayer, requires a little more work and time for me.   I feel like I'm having to personally contact leaders and pastors to join and pray and sign up.  And so Friday, I set my focus to solicit the SBC seminary presidents to sign on and join us.  Southeastern president, after an email and call to his office, signed on within an hour.  Grateful for his response.  NOBTS president is more of a challenge to get to.  Midwestern president just had his father in law die, and I put off attempting to speak with him, during this time of loss for their family.  It was SWBTS that I rejoice in.  Two leaders, David Dockery, president & OS Hawkins, chancellor that I wrote email to both, and contacted office.  Within two hours, both signed on.  And David Dockery, contacted one of our prayer partners on this email, Melana Hunt Monroe, to call the seminary to set aside time to be a part of this SBC prayer time.  Thank you David Dockery, Melana and SWBTS.  Jeff Iorg, from Gateway Seminary not heard from yet.  What a blessing!  Plus, throughout this week, some of our great prayer leaders have joined me.  Thank you to each!

Devotion - 
The call for holiness.  It has become dominate in my prayer life and times.  I cannot tell you how many times, over the protracted time of fasting and prayer leading up to the Solemn Assembly and in preparation for these 100 Hours of Prayer, I have cried out, 'Lord, make me holy.'  And cried out tear and lamenting for every unholy act He reveals in me.  Allow me to use David Wilkerson's phrase, he used, in 'A Call to Anguish'.  He said, 'whatever happened to anguish in the house of the Lord?"  And I say to you brethren, 'whatever happened to holiness?'   Many will explain away the Leviticus passage, and say, 'that was for Israel'.  But one cannot undo the passage of I Peter. God is holy, His book is "Holy bible" and we His people are to be holy.  And yet today, it is one of the most unspoken words in the church today.  Israel had forsaken and defiled His holy Name and temple. They themselves, His holy people were defiled, unclean and unholy.   And what shall we say of the church, His bride today?  

Be holy - it should be easy for you that are praying with us in one or both of these 100 Hours of Prayer to add this petition in, 'Lord, make us holy; Lord, make me holy.'   Let us pray in agreement that holiness be restored among so much that is unholy in our nation, streets and homes.  But let not this unholiness be named among us, His church.   It is a major priority, that God called, spoke, and demanded this directive of holiness among us.  And yet, with all the unbelief, carnal, weak faith, limited prayer lives, and affections set on things of this earth, rather than on heaven; we have lost our way.  A priority of holiness has been forgotten, dismissed or just simply lost.  But remember the Scripture, 'without holiness, no man shall see the Lord.'  O God, make me, make us holy!  

Be holy - it is a journey that the Lord has placed before me.  Reading in the 1990's and early 2000's the Lord set before me, holy men.  Biographies, historical revival accounts, and holy aged men, that I saw walk with God and live a holy life.  And in that, God called me to set the Broken Before the Throne..  A week long prayer moment to seek Him and learn to pray and be consecrated.  A pattern that I took  from reading of the Keswick convention in the late 1890's and first 1/2 of the 1900's and their pursuit of holiness.  And from Praying Hyde's Sialkot convention, in which they, through much prayer and pursuit sought to be Spirit filled and holy.  Knowing and stating, that God cannot use an unholy vessel, they pursued it and found it.   Why would God put and give a desire within our bosom and being, unless He desired to fulfill it?  Lord, make me, make us holy!

Be holy - the church is so comprising in this hour with sin, flesh and world.  But am I ask of you, to once again go over the verses of Scripture, that declares to us, 'come out from among them and be ye separate; what business doth light have with darkness?'  Remember the command of our opening Scripture, 'be ye holy, for I am holy'.  God, Who sits on the throne, high and lifted up, Whose Name is HOLY'.  And the 4 beasts all around the throne and the 24 elders and all the saints declare what?  'Holy, Holy, Holy".   O God, restore holiness to Your people and make us Christ-like, like You, Who are Holy.  Grant a desire to cast off and cut away in self denial, all thais offensive to You and ungodly, and unholy.  That we may be 'at-one' with You.  Let not the enemy have any inroad against Your church and people.  Deliver us and keep us in all things for Your glory and will.  

Lord, make me holy!  Lord make my brothers and sisters in Christ holy!  

100 HOURS OF PRAYER - JULY 24 - 28;  3 prayer target to pray in agreement throughout: 1.  revival in our churches and upon us in His fullness; it is our greatest need!  2.  "Possess the land" - Deuteronomy 30 - possess the land(s), cities, homes, streets, schools, businesses and church for Your glory;  3.  'give us ears to hear what the Spirit is saying' - will require you to be still, listen and ask of Him to speak to us.  15 minute time slots; If you have not signed up, message/email me and I will send you the google document for you to sign up.  Take time slots not filled  

100 HOURS OF PRAYER FOR SBC - AUGUST 7 - 11; 3 prayer targets to pray in agreement throughout:  1.  revival to fall upon the 50,000 churches, 40 some state conventions, and over 1000 associations.  2.  "possess the land"  - prayer for God to possess every aspect of SBC life, entities, seminaries, pulpits and members for His glory;  3.  for God to work in us and through us for His kingdom will and ways to be fulfilled and done.  "here am I, Lord; send me'  Same thing, if you want to sign up, ask/email me and I will send google document.  


1.  Drugs/Alcohol - 
2.  Children - 
3.  LGBT - 
4.  Natural Disasters -
flooding/drought/record temperatures world wide; hurricanes starting to heat up; 
5.  Plagues -  covid; cancer; STD's;  war on men's minds and hearts; 
6.  Great Evil - mass shootings and murder-suicides racing this week, to hit #400; on course to hit 600 by end of year again;  
7.  Economy - feds issue new banking route, instant money exchange; BRICS set to issue new currency backed by gold, next month;  

--bible readings - up through middle of Luke; continued word study - tell/told/teach; the Lord gave me a new word study for next time through - take, took;  
--Questions of the Bible - 2000 in Scripture, up through Job 39;  
--A Word - up through Jeremiah 32:34;  all but 5 verses so far in this chapter are finished;  
--Monday bible study - up to Deuteronomy 14;
--Thursday Hour of Prayer - this past week focused on preparation for the 100 Hours of Prayer; next week, we will be in the 100 Hours of Prayer and will use the whole hour to pray into the prayer targets;
--Thursday is fast day;
--1st & 3rd Sunday of each month, is Community Prayer with Pastors; 6 PM, Emmanuel Church;
--Sunday Churches - Keyser at 10 AM; Fox's Hollow, SS at 2 PM - currently in Romans 9; worship at 3 PM;
--100 Hours of Prayer - Two happenings:  July 24 - 28, local churches & BBtT Prayer Partners; August 7 - 11, for SBC, 400 needed;  


Started:  July 22, 2023

Finished:  July 22, 2023


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