100 HOUR OF PRAYER - JULY 24 - 28


"Continue in Prayer" Colossians 4:2
"Pray without ceasing" - I Thessalonians 5:17
"but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him."  Acts 12:5

As I wrote in the prayer email from Saturday, and have shared and announced this past Sunday with the churches: we have set the 100 Hours of Prayer.

When:  July 24 - 28;
Start:  7/24, 8 AM (EST);
Finish:  7/28, Noon (EST)
Time Slots - 15 minute increments;

Normally, we only do 70 - 80 hours of prayer and then the 100 Hours of Prayer at the end of the year.  But we are in desperate times for a move from God.  Many of us rejoiced as we experienced and heard the moving of God's Spirit on college campuses.  But we did not see or hear of many church bodies and assemblies, experiencing the power of God.  We saw and heard of an increase of fruit from the Lord.  And we thank Him for all that.  However, to me, this was only a sample, a small portion, of what we know God is able and willing to do.  We invite you to join us for this protracted prayer time covering 100 Hours without ceasing.  

Do you remember the testimonies of God's Presence during the 1857 - 1859 prayer movement?   Sailors in the ships out in the Atlantic, off the coasts  would be  saturated with the Holy Ghost.  And that upon docking in New York, those sailors would have to find a pastor or church to get right with God and tell what God had done to them, while at sea.  Where is this power and Presence of God upon our churches, communities, nations, and homes?  We have failed to prevail in prayer for such an outpouring.  I am not discounting or dismissing Ashbury, but I know there is so much more that God's Presence can do in a greater swath of land and world wide.  

There seems to be a diminished desire for the spiritual things of God.  Most that I see and hear in the churches have not 'set their affections on things above', but they have set their affections on things here.'  Church attendance, bible study, prayer time, corporate and personal time minimal, and little to no evangelism  is a constant sin confessed and practiced among the church.  But where there is this constant state of sin among the brethren and in our churches of such carnal living, can we expect God's favor?  A call for us to be holy, has become dominant in my prayer times.  And this past Sunday in our community prayer, brother Randy Leatherman, shared a word out of Deuteronomy that has become a prayer target for me:  "possess the land".  Posses our cities, homes, churches and take back possession of these things that Satan has stolen.  We are asking you to take (2) 15 minute time slots and give prayer to the following:

Worship -  Scriptures that exalt Him; His Names & attributes; His works and deed; adoration;
Confession - a focus on the personal sins, family sins and crying out to God for our national sins as well as those named in the churches that 'give an occasion against His Name'; 
Petition/Supplication/Intercession - real Revival; Kingdom prayers for advancement; prayers against anything that hinders, is against the Lord's kingdom; lost souls; 'the harvest is white the laborers are few; pray therefore for laborers";  pray for taking possession of your cities, schools, churches, businesses' and homes; deliverance to those in captivity of their own devices and hell's devices; pray for victory;  prayer for all of us - 'be ye holy, for I am holy';

If you have any trouble with praying for 15 minutes, join us on Thursday Hour of Prayer, at 7 PM (EST) on my youtube channel and facebook pages.  Just let me know, we have multiple resources for all 3 areas to pray.  We have an excel sheet that we use to fill out for the 100 hours of 15 minute time slots.  Simply let us know what day(s), what time slot and what time zone you are in.  We can send the sheet to you or we can fill in your info.  We have several things upcoming to promote prayer.   

Pray for the following:
July 16 - Solemn Assembly - at Emmanuel Church at 6 PM;

July 24 - 28 - 100 Hours of Prayer for prayer partners & local churches in Keyser;

August 7 - 11 - 100 Hours of Prayer for SBC;



Started:  July 5, 2023


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