"And suddenly. . . let us go & see. . . came and found. . . .what they had seen, they made known. . . all that heard it wondered. . . ."  Luke 2:13 - 20

Can we walk through this passage of Luke 2, and not only rejoice in the context of it, that it is the great message that the Saviour of the world has come? but also that it is that which was experienced, in revival last month, at Asbury.  The same verbs of reference that gave great witness and testimony to the coming of the Messiah, the Christ child, is the same when revival comes in like fashion.

'And Suddenly" - how often I have heard Richard Owen Roberts reverberate that phrase describing revival and God's sudden coming.  Suddenly He comes and in miraculous fashion.  We have waited for 50 years to see and experience God's Manifest Presence in such a large venue.  God has come upon many churches and situations 'suddenly', but not as the whole of 10,000's .

"Let us go & see" - Ravenhill - 'set yourself on fire and people will come out and watch you burn for the cause of Christ.'  Many went to Asbury to seek and experience what revival is all about - Revival is God.  They went to go and see God's Manifest Presence.  Some came out of curiosity, some out of hunger and other skeptical.  But many will go and see when God shows up.  

'came & found' - only a few individuals that I know of, showed up at Asbury and walked away with saying, 'they are just singing', 'I didn't sense anything.'  Can I give an estimate that of the 50,000 people that descended on Asbury that over 45,000 to 49,000 came and found God!  How many sit in church services every week and go away and found nothing.  And how many more of our society, or our church memberships will not 'go & see' and will not 'come and find'.  Why would God suddenly come upon Asbury and college campuses and not His church gatherings?  The church I fear largely do not want Him; and they exert no effort to go & see, or to come and find.  No expectancy.  no hunger and thirsty after Him.

'what they had seen, they made known' - the tales of revival brings the fires of revival; And those that experienced it and lived in it, share and testify to it.  Bill Elliff said, 'once you have been in the fires of revival, the smoke of it will always linger with you.'  They make Him known and what He did in their midst.  The power of the testimony is truly often undervalued.  Testify to what you have seen, heard and what weas manifested to you.  Ralph Sutera, who was a part of the Canadian Revival of the 1970's, in the city with Bill McCloud and Henry Blackaby, and saw a great move of God.  He always would say to me, 'don't ever forget the power of the testimony; and don't ever give up the mic to those sharing.'  

I am grateful for all that transpired last month and still continues.  No doubt, it is a mark of 'suddenly' on the history books for God's glory.  But that Divine visitation has not fallen on the churches across the US.  And it is the greatest need for these days to see God come in power upon His people.  Now remember, J. Edwin Orr & Leonard Ravenhill & Richard Owen Roberts all said it in the 1970's & 1980's, 'if true revival of God comes upon the church in America, 80 - 90% of the church membership will get truly born again.'  Meaning that there are many on our rolls that are religious but not born again.  But revival will change that.  And then the fire of revival upon the church will compel them to 'go & tell what they have seen and make known to a lost world the beauty of Christ and His Divine invitation to heaven'.  A revival upon the church will cause an explosion upon the lost souls of our communities.  And that in turn will go to other nations. And leading to a major shift in reaching the unreached billions with the Gospel.  Nearing closer to Matthew 24:14, 'when all the world shall hear, then the end shall be.'  

This is why we pray for revival and spiritual awakening.

Next Saturday, March 11, a day of 'A Call to Pray -- Prevail in Prayer" - 6 speakers; 3 in the afternoon & 3 in the evening to set this before those that will gather to hear this great need.  Be a part of this and share the flyer.  Thank you


1.  Drugs/Alcohol -
end of April should be CDC report on drug overdose deaths;  108,000 in 2021;
2.  Children - brutal stats continue against in schools, churches and homes; gender clinics has increased 15,000% from 2007 to 2022;  
3.  Natural Disasters - major storms and wind across US this past week; 6.9 earthquake in New Zealand; continued after shocks in Turkey/Syria;
4.  LGBT - more advancement in schools, sweeping an entire society & generation to embrace and accept;  TN outlaws drag shows and trans help under 18 years of age;
5.  Plagues - covid greatly decreasing - 100,000 cases world wide; 500 - 600 average per day deaths; continued STD stats at historic high in US; cancer; drug resistant viruses increasing;
6.  Great Evil - In Feb. 5 police officers killed; 1 already in March, 10 for the year; that is above one per week;  mass murders stand at Jan. - 8; Feb. - 6, and 1 already for March; 
7.  Economy - complete financial collapse; 

--bible reading, up through Luke 19; less than 3 weeks to finish;  word marking of 'wait' & 'watch' is coming to a close;  still need to document all Scripture references for these two words;
--A Word blog - woo hoo!!  finished Jeremiah 28, all 17 verses started and finished:  chapter 23, 26 & 27 still need to play catch up to finish multiple verses;
--Monday Bible study - Deuteronomy 7 & 8; google meet is still happening with this;
--Thursday Hour of Prayer - this past week, still addressed Ephesians 3, with the great need to pray for the church of Christ so that we do not miss revival upon the church and spiritual awakening among the lost masses and reaching the nations, to 'finish the task';
--Sunday services at Keyser Church at 10 AM: Fox's Hollow - Sunday School at 2 PM; worship at 3 PM:
--1st & 3rd Sunday of each month, community prayer with pastors;  March 5 at 6 PM at Emmanuel church;
--March 19, community baptism with local churches and our prayer time; 6 PM at FBC, Keyser;
--March 11 - live stream broadcast, 1 PM (EST) - 9 PM; "A Call to Pray --- Prevail in Prayer"


Started:  March 4, 2023
Finished:   March 4, 2023


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