"Be not deceived; God is not mocked:  for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."  Galatians 6:7

And what are we reaping as a nation? as the church?  in our own life?  May the end of this year, be a testimony that you are reaping what you have sown in holiness, righteousness and faithfulness in Him.  May the church thrive to labor and sow in the very things that please Him to be cause for us to reap His mercies and favor and fullness.  Be much in prayer, much in the Word and much alone with Him.  Always sowing seeds by telling others about Christ and expecting to see the fruit of souls rescued and delivered from Satan's filthy paws.  And know that God is faithful, to those that are faithful.  This is the ways of God that He has shown throughout Scripture, and throughout history.  He is the same yesterday, today and will be for tomorrow.  He changes not.  

The intent, labor of every church and Christian is to sow the seeds that bring forth fruit into His glory and honor.  For He is worthy that our labors be about His kingdom and will, and not our's.  This truth has been evidence to every individual and every church that has sought to lay seeds in faith by His direction, truths and promises.  He has spoken truth to those that seek Him, that they will find Him.  The holidays have already begun, which very much that hinders the church in seeking Him.  Much time and labors are placed on the family, church and society festivities, and the other labors of our spiritual disciplines sometimes are neglected.  Balance both and do not short change the more weightier things of the kingdom.  Seek to finish this year sowing more in these last weeks, than all the other weeks that have gone before us.  And may the fruit of your labors be what you sowed four fold.  

For the opposite of His seeds and fruits are very much evident among us in our nation and communities and homes.  Much evil has been sown, and greater evil is being reaped.  The mass murders are record setting again this month from all previous months.  The Senate is set to vote on HR8404 Monday.  Its passage will undo biblical marriage and open the doors for greater evil.  We have sown this repeatedly with the wickedness of hell seeking to undo that which God has ordained.  And the church has put up a feeble fight to counter and stop.  Now Satan and hell has been very good at planting tares among the wheat of the church.  but the church has not been so good at undoing the crops of hell.  Greater and greater evil is being sown in the minds and hearts of men to do greater evil.  We must prevail against this.  

A greater response from the church is needed as we close out this year and gaze to what next year will bring.  The response of the church has not sown, nor reaped, the fruit that is necessary to undo this evil.  A very intentional response must be exercised by the church to counter the evil.  When evil rose up in Scotland and the US in the 1700's, because the church was fainting and lacking.  The pastors set monthly and weekly fasts; set corporate times of prayer for confession and repentance, these were known as 'Concerts of Prayer'.  And they prevailed and God ushered forth the Great Awakening.   Such an example must be taken up for these days.  How shall we prevail for our future if we continue our status of 'as is'.  For what the church in North America is doing is not sufficient to prevail presently.  The very words that would sow seeds rightly is holiness; humbleness, surrender.  But these words are on a weekly basis are hardly heard, spoken, prayed, or sought by the church.  This must change.  

To close out this year, let us intentional seek to plow deeper into the things of God.  As evil has come in like a flood, it is our response, that dictates the nations course.  Failure to respond, apathy, lethargy, only hastens God's judgement and wrath against us.  Minimal response is also inadequate.  I come back to something the Lord stated earlier this year, 'Who is willing to pay the price for revival?'  "Pay the price" is a prayer echoed over and over this past year.  Failure after failure in this, but always rising each day to pursue, or as that Scripture in Judges, 'faint, yet pursing'.  and remembering from Galatians, 'we shall obtain if we faint not.'  Wee have the close of the year 100 Hours of Prayer, we have the weekly fast on Thursday, and the continued sowing in His Word and in the prayer closet.  Give time and place to these things that what we have sown, we may reap.  

Three things I wish to convey to you for response:
1.  Mass murders at record setting pace are a great evil.  What is the response of the church to this? 
  I have begun to set in order a consideration to this in long form and short form.  Here is the link on my blog that you can find this:

2.  Please pray and alert your prayer partners to pray that this HR8404 not pass.
100 HOURS OF PRAYER - DEC. 28 - JAN. 1;  15 MIN/30 MIN SLOTS;  

1.  Drugs/Alcohol -
death and dying stats of overdoses and impacts from these evil vices;  families, communities, churches, our nation all impacted from affects of this abomination and repercussion; one of the great plagues God has unleashed on our nation.  Addictions of sin found in minds and hearts, and therein to be prayed for deliverance, victory over, overcoming and abstinence.  

2.  Children - more cases of teachers/student illicit affairs; coaches arrested for sin; and church workers guilty of this plague on our innocent ones;  Neglect, abuse, sex trafficking, failure to learn and know of God and Christ in the next generation.  Without a move of God among these, woe to our next generation!

3.  Natural Disasters -  continued 7.0 earthquakes have rocked this past month world wide. The worst one being in Indonesia with death toll over 300.  But for most, because other regions of the earth, do not matter to us, only when it hits us.  But there has been uptick in earthquake on North America.   National Drought map is looking better with systems coming across.  but still 80% is severe to exceptional drought.  

4.  LGBT - so much continues to bring us to our destructive end with this epidemic; more and more favoring, allowing, legalizing and permitting.  And any word spoken against is and will be a hate crime, because the truth is not received.  Churches more and more accepting and allowing; swallowed up in evil.

5.  Pestilence -  covid continues avg. cases of 350,000 - 500,000;  deaths continue world wide at 900 - 1300 daily; US has dropped but still in top 5.  cancers have slowed greatly, but the deaths over the last month from these cases have increased;  apparently Dave Butts, our national prayer committee leader battle with cancer is now over and he has gone home.   

6.  Great Evil - mass murders spiked again for this month, 6 so far this month, 9 last month; record stat; and mass shooting and murder-suicides are pacing each other each day, as they both went over 600 for the year;  

7.  Economy -  continued reports of months before new crash and reset takes place world wide; digitized coins by US banks be tested and ready for implement;  supply lines, will continue to fluctuate; 

--bible readings, finished Numbers, up into Deuteronomy; Wait & Watch word study writing out Scripture reference;
--A Word blog devotional/commentary - up through Jeremiah 25:11; great week of writing, was able to finish all of chapter 22; chapter 23 - 15 verses remain; all of chapter 24 done; and so far all verses in chapter 25 are done;
--Monday Bible Study- Deuteronomy 4; back on schedule this week; 
--Sunday services - Keyser Church at 10 AM; Fox's Hollow - SS at 2 PM; worship at 3 PM;
--Thursday Hour of Prayer at 7 PM:
--Community Prayer with Pastors' 1st and 3rd Sunday evenings;


Started:  November 25, 2022

Finished:    November 26, 2022


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