"And the Lord God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done?"   Genesis 3:13
"And He said, What hast thou done?  the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto Me from the ground."  Genesis 4:10
"For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.  Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, He hath also rejected thee from begin king."  I Samuel 15:23

WHAT HAVE WE DONE!?  Last evening, November 29, the US Senate, voted and passed the Marriage Act.  This piece of legislation, in affect removes the definition of marriage according to God's word and plan; marriage is between one man and one woman.  This legislation, now legalizes same-sex marriages in the US.  I remember in the 1990's, I set up a meeting with WV's 2 senators, Sen. Robert C. Byrd; and Sen. Rockefeller.  Sen. Byrd met us and sat down with us, Sen. Rockefeller, sent a representative to meet with us.  These meetings were to discuss the Defense of Marriage Act - DOMA.  And I remember Sen. Byrd, affirming to me that DOMA would never be reprieved or overturn.  I look back to those 30 some years ago and remember that good intentioned promise, but unrealistic.  Especially in light of where we are today.  

Where are we? what have we done?  The same as found in these Scriptures in Genesis and I Samuel.  the sin of the nation, especially government that has rejected the Christian foundation of our nation.  The biblical morals of our nation are systemically being erased.  Look how much has been erased in our lifetime, especially in these last 22 years of this century.  We are a nation that loves witchcraft, for we are as rebellious as Sodom and the other nations that rejected God.  And the church's sin of apathy, lethargy and disobedience is complimenting this evil.  For the church has the authority and power in Jesus Name to defeat, overturn and repeal evil of our day.  'Greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world.'  But where are those that are exercising this authority?  Where are those that are prevailing against the evil of our day?  

What have we done?  We have sinned against the Lord God.  The House of Representatives passed it, the Senate pass it; and the President will sign it.  And the nation has legalized an abomination which is the very opposite of God's creation, nature, will and Word.  With this action, coupled with other numerous actions of legally and judicially as well as across our society, we have provoked the Lord God to a response.  In 2008, California voters passed Proposition 8, that ruled that marriage was to be between one man and one woman.  When it was contested and taken to court, 5 judges on the Circuit Court overturned millions of voters and ruled against it.  At that point, I knew it would go to the Supreme Court and besought SBC leadership to call for fasting and prayer before it got there.  It made its way to the Supreme Court and in 2012, the justices made same sex marriage the law of the land.  This recent legislation undoes the DOMA act and sets up for their next agenda of evil.  They have opened the doors for more evil.  This is what we have done.

What has the church done?  Very little to undo this evil which is sweeping across the land, the generations and the nations.  Calls for prayer, fasting and doing every thing and any thing to make sure this evil does not advance should be done.  yet, most were not aware of it.  Meaning the political groups in our Christian faith failed to make aware of what was happening.  Leaders failed to make sure pastors, churches and Christians knew and was engaged in prayer against this evil.  In Isaiah 59, 'when evil comes in like a flood, God raises up a standard against this evil.'  The church is that standard.  Now God's Own right hand may act, for He is Sovereign and able to do what ever He desires.  But let it not be because we did not respond to the evil that was right before us.

Every act of evil legalized, every court ruling that stamps its approval on wickedness, is an affront towards God.  There are consequences to these choices and actions by our nation, and the lack of action by the church.  The nation, in its evil intent, arrive at the very verse, that God condemns, 'when men call evil, good; and call good, evil.'  We are here!  And the churches choice to not engage in the spiritual warfare, simply forfeits to hell its agenda.  But we will answer for our lack of response and warfare.  We are called, as Christians, and as the church to 'war a good warfare.'  Not making the Christian church know of what is at stake, what is happening and what is going on, is not good warfare.  Failure to fast and pray and commission the church to engage in this is failure to lead rightly.  

Dan Biser

Started:  November 30, 2022



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