Prayer Email - October 1

"Hast thou found me, O mine enemy?  And he answered, I have found thee:  because thou hast sold thyself to work evil in the sight of the Lord."   I Kings 21:20;

The last two days I have been at Prayer Link, SBC prayer leaders meeting.  And during one of their prayer times, this verse came to me again.  A moment of contemplation and meditation I fixed on this:  "my enemy"; 'the Lord's enemy".  Has he found me?  Two enemies, and both are against our prayer life and against any motion towards prayer - our enemy will find us.  These two enemies are Satan, of course, but our greatest enemy, my greatest enemy, SELF.  It is an overwhelming confession among pastors, churches and Christians, "I know I should pray more"; 'I wish I would or could pray more".  In 2007, pastors at BBtT were confessing, which stunned me, 'I have no prayer life."  I knew then how much trouble we were in.  Our enemy, self and Satan, had found us, as individuals and as the church, and was wining.

It is our directive from Christ, to be 'overcomers, as He overcame.'  Overcome flesh, overcome Satan.  And it is the most powerful thing to hear the testimonies of those that prevailed and overcame in prayer.  It isn't really a question, 'are you praying?'  Muslims pray 5 times a day, Catholics say the 'rosary' many times, and people are always having cognitive talking in their heads, thinking it is prayer; but have you prevailed?  Prevailing in prayer is the answer and the assurance that the enemy is overcome.  The enemy will find us, no doubt, just make sure it doesn't prevail.  

Note the second half of this verses, 'because you have sold yourself to work evil in the sight of the Lord.'   And the failure to pray and prevail, allows for evil to work.  IN the sight of God, God watches His church with no prayer meeting.  God sees and watches, the neglect in the secret closet.  The work of God, all of it, is done through prayer.  No revival ever happened without God setting a man or men to pray.  No soul was ever saved, without someone praying for them.  Any work of God, by God's Own commission is done through someone that prevailed in prayer.  And when there is no prayer, or consistency in prayer, or commitment to prayer, the work of evil thrives and grows.   And I believe it is this point, the sin of prayerlessness among the church today and in the secret closets, that evil over the last 22 years of this century has grown at a rate unthinkable.  

Do not justify, little praying, that that can stop the work of evil.  It is astonishing that people get mad or offended if you ask about their prayer life, or about the prayer life of the church.  Evil has grown and multiplies in our nation, homes, churches, schools, and minds & hearts.  And as evil came in like a flood, we should rise and meet it with prevailing prayer.  Let not the enemy have this generation or the next, captivate the thoughts and tear down the strongholds - Overcome.  And know the work of evil has free reign and momentum when God's people fail to pray. 'What you could not watch with Me for one hour?"  'Awake', 'rise up' and 'seek His face' for victory and prevailing.    

Thus, know your enemy.  Know his tactics.  Overcome and be victorious in your prayer life.  And seek that for His church as well.  Private prayer, corporate prayer, small groups, daily, moment by moment, praying, so as to prevail for His Name sake, and His kingdom come and His will be done.  but let it not be said of us, that our enemy found us and we followed him rather than obeying the word of the Lord.  

1.  Drugs/Alcohol
2.  Children
3.  LGBT
4.  Pestilence
5.  Natural Disasters
6.  Great Evil
7.  Economy

Two notes on the epidemics:  1.  the great evil of shootings continues and will continue; but the change is the drastic stalling of this, leaves me with fear that we are leaving this judgement and entering to worse one.  It has always been my question for you all, 'remedial judgements, lead to epidemics;  what comes after epidemics?"    I would love to be in discussion with someone on this!
2.  Britain's pound all but collapsed this past week.  A further sign of world economy is getting ready to tank.  It seems, or I believe, that most know it is a certainty that is on our horizon.  This episode reveals just how fast it can happen.  The domino effect will happen as smaller countries collapse and then the larger nations economies will not be able to sustain.  What comes out of this will shape the next phase of world judgement, if not the great dragon, beast and false prophet to come against the church.   

This leaves me with the fear and worry, is the church ready for this time?  Are you ready? am I?  While we still have time, resolve in your answers and prayers for these troublesome days upon us.   

--bible readings up through Mark 5; lost the last 2 days due to travel; word study - 'wait'; 'watch';
--A Word - Jeremiah 23:10; was able to write every day in September except the last 2 days;  still have 7 verses to finish in chapter 22; and only 1/2 are finished in first 10 verses of chapter 23;
--Monday Bible Study- in Deuteronomy 3 and going into 4; will continue google meet through October;
--Thursday Hour of Prayer - will continue google meet during this time; open with 15 - 20 minutes emphasis, finishing up this month on the 'Watch'; and then have 40 minutes of corporate praying for those on google meet;  hoping to add prayer leaders to assist in this;  Prayer Leaders let me know which Thursday you can take;
--Keyser Church & Fox's Hollows Services on Sunday;
--Community Pastors Praying on 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month;
--Continued writing on the "watch"; & 'What Have You Done?"  


Started:  October 1, 2022

Finished:  October 1, 2022


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