
"Wilt Thou not revive us again:  that Thy people may rejoice in Thee?"  Psalm 85:6

PAY THE PRICE!    Recently at NDP, I was sharing and leading my designated prayer time.  My part, which it always seems I get to lead on was  'confession'   And during that time, I quoted Leonard Ravenhill, 'The reason we don't have revival, is because we are content to live without it."   I shared this as a sin of the church, that we are content, apathetic and lethargic.   And of course, the first step to correcting such a sad state is to  recognize and realize the state we are in.   The Holy Ghost brings conviction of this state; it is not acceptable nor pleasing to God.  But right at that moment that I led that confession, the Holy Ghost spoke to me, 'Are you willing to pay the price?'  In other words,, not just talk the talk of revival, but someone must exercise himself to pay the price for God's mercy.  

Throughout revival history, some one always paid the price.  During the Welsh Revival, where God took and used Evan Roberts, from his prayer, 'bend me O God, bend me'; God bent him and used him.  But he had prayed over a decade before that in the coal mines.  Charles Finney in the 2nd Great Awakening, had Praying Nash, and Abel Clary go into the places before Finney and pray without ceasing.  God always came in power.   And as one saint said, when these two intercessors died, it was no mystery why Finney retired from evangelism and entered into college president.   Jonathan Edwards at the beginning of the First Awakening, preached 'Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God" and God came down during that meeting and revival unleashed.  But he and others had fasted 3 days before and laboured much in prayer.  And Edwards had set in motion the Concerts of Prayer leading up to this time with fasting and prayer.  On and on one could go that someone paid the price.  

So that night, and since, it echoes for us to pay the price.  Get serious, about being serious about the most serious thing in all the world! (LR)   And each that knows this truth, knows it is not by men's efforts.  WE should all know that revival is a Sovereign act of God.  But God does employ us to seek for it. And it is by men's surrendered lives in pursuit of this high calling for real revival.    No matter what we are doing, or think that it is sufficient, it is not.  A labor of earnestness to come before God that He may impart the fullness of His Holy Ghost upon the church again.  It is the only hope.  It is our greatness need.  No more haphazard living, no more half hearted praying, no more occasional stirring.  But a fervent, urgent earnest pleading and cry to come before Him, for that which only He can give.  And that it might be in some way, that God would be intreated to fulfill His promise and using us in our prayers to see that which many of us have so much desired in real revival.  

Many of us know revival history, have read the books on revival accounts, and prayed much for it.  But not many in this generation can actually say they have received the fullness of the Holy Ghost and the church was revived.  Revival comes to God's church; spiritual awakening comes to the lost masses.   And there is the distinction of many that have had Divine moments, that I call them, when God comes down in power.  But revival is that sweeping whole regions and areas, nation and world with His Presence in power.  A world sweeping revival to impact the nations to hear the Gospel.  And when the world has heard, then the end shall be.  

Some of you have been seeking longer than I for revival and awakening.  Many of you labor more than I in prayer and fasting.  But it is a plea that we might ALL set ourselves before Him to seek and find.  Far too many without Christ; far too many churches content and not seeking for His Presence or power.  Let us enter into agreement to pursue and set ourselves before Him for this great prayer, "Lord, revive us again; fill each heart with Thy love, may each soul be rekindled with fire from above.'   

SOLEMN ASSEMBLY - June 5, at Fox's Hollow we are calling for the Solemn Assembly to be held;  I have sent out to numerous others near and across SBC leadership that this is very much needed for what our area, states, streets, homes and nation is facing right now.  'When you see these things happening, call for a Solemn Assembly'  Join us on web page:   
And seek for your churches, pastors and areas to gather and cry out for this hour we are in.  

SBC PRAYER LEADERS - I have continued to be moved to seek the 45 prayer leaders to assemble and have a voice to share and move SBC to be houses of prayer and men and women of prayer.   Several good conversations this past week and more info coming in next week.  Pray for this door before it closes.  

Natural Disasters -
drought impact is worsening in west and south west in US;  this is going to get bad quick;  food shortages and other issues unfolding at rapid rate, sending out nation spiraling;   Only 2, 7.0 earthquakes so far this year; very much due for several strong earthquakes.  Remote areas, many don't care, but when this devastating ones hit populated areas, its horrific.  Hurricane season coming up and forecast to be worse.   Strong storms with tornados continue across nation.   

Great Evil - a reprieve in several areas in death;  rejoicing but it was just last weekend with the bloody Friday - Sunday in Milwaukee;  CA church shooting and Buffalo mass murder of 10;  Continue to be resolved to do preventive prayers.   Minds and hearts is where this fought and won in God's Name and power.  

--bible readings - up through I Corinthians 12;  T - 10 days, should be done by end of month;  word study - fear/afraid/terror;
--The Activity of God - Hebrews 7;  T - 47 pages to go;
--A Word - Jeremiah 17;  all of chapter 16 I finished each verse;  chapter 17, many verses started but not many finished;  
--Thursday Hour of Prayer - missed first 2 weeks of this month; was able to get back this past Thursday;  
--Monday bible study - up through John 19; 
--Keyser Church & Fox's Hollow services on Sunday;


Started:  May 21, 2022

Finished:  May 21, 2022


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