"But prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him."  Acts 12:5

There are several directives to our prayer life, as the church, and as individual Christians.  And we thank God for all of them in the Scriptures.  We are to ask, confess, praise, worship, believe, seek, find, etc.  One of the struggles of the prayer life within the church and individuals has been this confession, 'I''m not consistent.  My prayer life is fading and struggling.'   As we prepare to close this year it is  with this continual encouragement, 'Finish strong; so you can start the New Year strong'. This finishing strong and starting the new year strong is by being steeped in the prayer life.  Many have already confessed of their struggles over this last year of 'hit and miss' prayer times; churches still struggle to implement a corporate time of prayer each month; and many simply miss the blessing of being alone with God.  But, we rejoice in those that also testify that God has restored them their passion of prayer; has given them new depths this year and they are on track to finish well.  Thank God for these testimonies!!

This 100 Hour of Prayer - 2021 is set, as in years gone by, to set forth such a time of prayer that is made and will be made without ceasing by the church.  The greatest need in the church today, is not preaching, nor missions, nor giving, nor teaching, nor seminary; but the greatest need of the church today is to prevail with God for His Divine Presence and power.  For if the individuals prevail in such praying, then all these other things mentioned will have the Spirit of the Lord upon them and in them.  But if we do not prevail, then all these things mentioned is the effort of men - the great sin of the church, Humanism!  And the plight of our nation, our homes and the minds and hearts of men is a direct result of this contrasts - humanism vs. God.  With God we can do all things; but without God we can't do anything!  And it is not a matter of doing something for God.  The church is very busy and active doing things.  But are we doing it for eternal purposes, for HIs glory, for His kingdom and will?   Too much is done, I fear, for the praise of men and not the praise of God.   But this spirit of prayer prevails for His kingdom, His will and His glory.  God, give us this Spirit of prevailing with Thee!!

Some of the greatest moments in the church have come out of set times of prolonged, prevailing prayer.  Great revivals, great missionary movements, great awakenings, God's kingdom is advanced and hell is put on retreat through such prayer.  Why would we not consider and be a part of that which God honors?  Set yourself there where God meets you, in the secret closet.  Gather yourself together with others, that call upon the Lord and seek Him for HIs hand of mercy, help and favour.   OH, that God would help us in this most needful hour!   Peter's life was in jeopardy and the church did what they were supposed to do, 'they stretched themselves out to God' (RA Torrey) to pray without ceasing.    Here is the power of prayer when God's people obey and set forth to do that which is honoring and pleasing to Him.  Oh, how much can be accomplished by such moments!

The new year is going to continue to bring forth judgement upon our land, cities, homes and churches.  As fast a things are accelerating we will continue to see advancement of end times fulfillment.   And with the church without the power and Presence of God, we are more susceptible to the enemy's attacks.  Freedoms, persecution, and continued sifting of wheat and chaff will all come under fire.  We have left 'the beginning of sorrows' and are entering into the heightened tribulations, these will bring forth more and more evil and great judgements.  It is horrifying to think of what is coming and those facing it without Christ and His strength and promises and Presence.  Cry out for those lost, for the opportunity of time is eroding away.  WE will need to be as close and Spirit filled as we have ever been to overcome and prevail no matter what unfolds.  Thus, the prayer to pray for each other in the body of Christ, that we might be covered.

We will send out one or two more invitations and reminders of this time of prayer at the close of the year and to usher in the new year.  But Christmas is next week, and most are occupied with that of family, traditions, etc.  But take time now to sign up and give yourself to prayer.      

100 HOURS OF PRAYER - 2021
When - Starting:  December 28, 2021 at 8 AM (EST);  Finishing - January 1, Noon (EST);
Asking of you to take Day(s) to pray;  pick which hour(s) you will pray, AM or PM or both;  and let me know during that hour whether you will be praying 15 minutes/30 minutes/60 minutes.  I take those times and names and fill in a spread sheet.   
Thank you for those already signed up and ready to go.  Any questions simply contact me and I will try to get back to you as soon as I can.  

1.  Drugs/Alcohol -   
surpassed over 100,000 deaths last year; on the same trend of death and dying; where is the power of the church to set and deliver such from bondage and captivity of Satan?  Church pray for power of His Spirit to do what brings glory to Him;  this is our "legion"

2.  Children -  continued reports and escalating of physical, mental, verbal, emotional abuse; broken home and broken lives; deliverance from this society and world that is seeking to devour an entire generation void of God and Christ; 

3.  LGBT -  continued advance of transgenders; latest in school sports; this evil where everyone has an opinion, a two cent comment and "rights'; God has already spoken on this.  This is the death of a nation when such abominations are blessed, rather than cursed; where good is called evil, and evil good.  God gives us over to reprobate minds, Romans 1 for this evil of our nation;

4.  Natural Disasters -  front last night,100,00's without power; last weeks storm damage still be sought; over 100 deaths; major typhoon hits Philippines; drought conditions exists 3/4 of US; 

5.  Pestilence -  covid deaths, cases; God sends plagues due to our sins.  Correct the sin, see the end of the plague.  And all the mandates, shots, boosters, freedoms, etc.  continues to swirl anarchy.

6.  Great Evil -  

7.  Economy -  inflation; Dubai, first nation, to go paperless in currency; where is this taken us??


Dan Biser

Started:  December 16, 2021




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