Prayer email - 9/11


"For I will at this time send all My plagues upon thine heart, and upon thy servants, and upon thy people; that thou mayest know that there is none like Me in all the earth."  Exodus 9:14
"Moreover He will bring upon thee all the diseases of Egypt, which thou wast afraid of; and they shall cleave unto thee."  Deuteronomy 28:60

God is God !(TW Hunt)    God is able to send plagues and God is able to heal plagues.  God is able to remove, and God is able to make it cleave.  God gave the American church a great move last year into this year to return with more surrender and fervency.  I believe we missed that moment.  All that I heard and have seen is the desire to return to our football, our entertainment, our lives.  And we cared more for that, than His will and HIs kingdom.  There was a remnant that sought the Lord greatly because we knew and still know that the plague upon us is not from Wuhan; not because of vaccinated or not; not because of masks or social distancing, but because it is from God.  (You realize many in the church are not able to see or say that the virus is from God.  They remind me of Pharaoh and the Egyptians until it was too late.)We did not learn our lesson last time, and now we are right back where we was 9 - 10 months ago.   Are we willing to learn our lesson now? will we understand the day we are in?

And on the 9/11 day of remembrance, you would have thought we would be just a little more humble in our approach unto God.  And America was for 3 -4  months after 9/11; but by Christmas of 2001 we just wanted to get on with our lives.  It seems this is our motive, 'get on with my life'.  My priorities, my preferences, my choices, my life; and God is not at all in that equation.  Woe to the nation that forgets and forsakes God.  We missed that moment 20 years ago.  So close was President Bush to calling for a national solemn assembly to seek the Lord.  My, how things may have changed if that had taken place.  But VP Cheney, dismissed that, and our moment was lost.   You don't get these moments all the time.

Where are we at?    Recently in Nashville, Gordon Fort told an account that was very real to several of us sitting there on SBC's missed Divine moment.  A "missed moment" is an appointed time, that a Divine invitation is given, and men are given a choice to take hold of it, or to let it go.  And when they let it go, the door of God's mercy closes.  And when it is seized, God is glorified.  This brought back many memories with conversations with Richard Owen Roberts, TW Hunt, and Henry Blackaby.  All of which was a part of that moment in time.  And my question to them, 'where are we at?"   Revival or final judgment?   The conversations were always around knowing God's voice and moment.  To see it, to recognize it and not miss it.  Great lamentations over that which is missed; because it can never be gotten back once it is gone.  

Did we miss our moment last year?  -  Covid is ravaging our families, homes, churches, schools and the whole of our nation -- again.  Workers have quit, businesses shut down and money given to supply by government; all in the hope of getting us through the first wave of the epidemic.  And then they thought to send every one back to work, school and get back to "normalacy".  What did they not factor was the impact on the economy and function of goods.  They realize that to survive economically that they cannot shut down the nation again.  But the damage is done.   We will never go back to "what was".  We are at, "what is".  And what we do with this moment, will determine, "what will be".

Do you realize the moment of time we are in?  Do you understand the churches place in such a time as this?   For this moment, 'when you see these things happen. . an assembly is to be called for.  Days of fasting, prayer, repentance.  And we had those last years.  I did 3 live streams of 'Call to Solemn Assembly" and 'Calls to Prayer".   Doug Small led the call to all churches in America to 'America's Prayer Meeting'.  The Return was held by Kevin Jessip.  And they  had a solemn assembly in DC; and is now hosting one in Africa.   Numerous moments.  "Prayer like never before", says David Butts.  But where are we?  Why with so much prayer, has things not changed course, but only gotten more evil.   Bless those that are asking these questions and seeking an answer.   I affirm TW's statement, engrained in my soul, 'God is God'.   

We are seeing the God of Exodus and Deuteronomy unleashing judgements, desolations and destruction on our nation.  Homes destroyed, marriages ravaged, sin abounding, evil called good and good called evil, minds and consciences evil affected and given over to reprobate choices, all signs of the times.  And yet, a remnant, still pursuing, faint but pursuing, the God of revival.  The God Who is able, the God Who will be glorified in revival upon His church, or in the judgement upon an evil nation, and they shall know that He is God and there is none else.   And as I have stated, "we are being judged, I document and share these remedial judgements that have reached EPIDEMIC proportions.  But what comes after you reach EPIDEMIC status - the END.   But I will not get on the other side of this time and wish that I would have done more, or could have done more.  For I have today, I will call, I will fast, I will set myself before Him and wait to see what HE will answer me when I am reproached."  I will do what He leads and requires, and let God be God.  

The hour is late, the need is great; pray so as to prevail.   


1.  Drugs/Alcohol -
stats continue record pace for overdoses and death;  

2.  Children - neglect, abuse, sex trafficking and next generation void of Christ;  

3.  Natural Disasters - wildfires in the west; threats of more tropical storms to hit US; continued recovery; 

4.  Plagues - covid - running record stats so far in September;  well over 1500 deaths per day in US; no where else in the world is showing stats like ours;   now mu variant is lined up, not much said about lambda; 

5.  LGBT - abomination of our generation and nation, seeking approval and acceptance everywhere and few of the church declaring its evil;  minds and hearts affected, God giving us over to reprobate minds; school systems filled with the individuals seeking to advance this evil to be accepted by all;

6.  Great Evil - two mass murders last Sunday, total of 20 for year; murder-suicides crossed 400 for year, averaging 1 and 1/2 per day; no police officers killed for September; mass shootings at 486, running 2 per day; homicides at 14, 225, over 400 for last week;

7.  Economy - collapse of world market; basic provisions needed; everything that we have always had will be removed and we will know want;

--bible readings - up through II Samuel 7;  word/phrase study - the fear of the Lord;
--The Activity of God - John chapter 1 - 7;  up into chapter 6;
--A Word - Jeremiah 9;   still have 10 verses from chapter 7 to finish;  and chapter 8 is not good at all, with only 9 verses complete;   so have to go back and finish these as I start into chapter 9;  first 3 verses of 9 are started, only verse 2 is finished;  very powerful verses for our day;
--Thursday Hour of Prayer - this seems to be a steady group of viewers, as we have done this for a year and 1/2 now;   themes of worship - 'Wait"; confession - Ezekiel; and prayer targets;
--Sunday services at both churches are still meeting in person and live stream;  Bible study for Monday night may be needed to move to Tuesday for September;
--Pastors Prayer continues on 1st and 3rd Sunday evening of each month;


Started:  September 11, 2021



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