". . . .but My people know not the judgment of the Lord."  Jeremiah 8:7

I was asked this past week, why they were not hearing me speak on "remedial" judgements any more.  And I answered, 'Because the remedial judgements are done now, we are gearing up for "Final" judgement.  Remedial judgements are sent for years, for decades, before God stops sending them.  They are sent as an act of grace and mercy from the Lord to cause His people to cease their sins.  To cease doing those things that defile the land, destroy society and decimate lives.  Failure to respond to God's remedial judgement, heightens the next round of remedial judgements.  As given in Leviticus 26, where the people failed to obey, and God sent the next round, 7X worse.  You can only multiply so many times, until you reach the end.

Here in Jeremiah 8, it is filled with very specific remarks by God for their failure to respond to His remedial judgement.  And now it was time for them to face final judgement. This was destruction by Babylon, captivity for the remnant and horrible deaths and tribulations of famine, drought, pestilence.  And God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.  And we should understand Who God is in judgements to know such things.  But alas, many Christians, 'do not know the judgement of the Lord.'  Since the days of Ruth Graham Bell, saying, and Billy Graham making it famous, 'if God doesn't judge America, He will have to dig up Sodom and Gomorrah and apologize to it.'  I wonder if she viewed this nation, how much more she would say regarding our pending final judgement.  The greatest calamity in this, is to see the wrath of God upon our land, families, through different means, and still see the church go on as if everything is ok.  Even after last years harrowing covid crisis, all the church seemed to want to do was get on with life.  But God was, is, judging us.  And to think everything is going to go back to normal, couldn't be further from the truth.  

We have had severe 'remedial' judgement that shook and the church.  But it did not lead us to repentance of godly sorrow.  Nor did it take us to brokenness and contrition, of which God dwells and honors.  WE have had these major moments in the last 20 years:
1999 - Columbine mass shooting;
2001 - 9/11;
2005 - Hurricane Katrina;
2007 - 2008 - Financial collapse;
2013 - Sandy Hook mass shooting;
2013 - Homosexuality legalized by Supreme Court (the Roe vs. Wade court decision of our era);

These major judgements shook our nation and should have made us realize what was happening.  God was turning us over to reprobate minds.  Great evil of death, destruction and desolation was being set into motion.  A chain of events, that no nation has every recovered from.  A chain of events that has been leading us through remedial judgement that we might 'get serious about being serious about the most serious thing in all the world'.  But we have not, we did not, and for far too many, they will not.  

Thus, remedial judgments, as these have come and gone.  Remedial judgments upon our land through natural disasters, epidemics,   crisis, calamities that shake us.  And for some they return to God.  But our standard, is that we only return for a short while.  Few return whole heartedly.  We see, right now, the slaughter and abomination in Afghanistan against the church, against women, against children.  These Taliban are the Amalekites of the Old Testament.  Evil men that are used by Satan to afflict, assault and commit these horrible atrocities.  Yet, we see the church rallying like never before to pray and seek to make these wrongs right.  It is a sign of hope.  For if we can come together to fight this battle; will we step into the battles of our Lord to reach the nations and serve Him no matter what.  Will we realize how late the hour is.  With all this unraveling of nations, and the churches carnal condition,  are we heading into final judgement?  God is giving, has given us over to reprobate minds and hearts.  Now will He finish what we have always known; and largely taken for granted.    

These things are happening for His purposes, His will to be accomplished.  For He knows and knew how all these things would play out and happen.  We do not, we have an outline of these last hours of humanity.  We have already begun the 7 seals, into the 7 trumpets.  WE are nearing the point of the nations being reached with the Gospel.  Satan knows this means his end as well.  He will do everything and anything to slow and stop the church from finishing the task.  We must understand these things.  'In the last day. . .' we are there.  'There will be tribulation. . .' we are there.  We are at the end of the age.  Now note, that as Jeremiah prophesied, he did so for over two decades of warning .  There was many decades that passed between Manasseh's great evil, ' of which God said, He would remove Jerusalem for the blood shed of Manasseh.'   Josiah reigned 31 years; Jehoiakim 25 years, Zedekiah for 21 years; plus two others that reigned months - 77 years, a completion, just as Lamech, 777 years as Noah comes into the end age or transfer to the next cycle.   


epidemics - 
1.  Drugs/Alcohol -
continued deaths, overdoses, destruction of families, lives and our society; great wrath upon our land for these addictions of sin;

2.  Children - 

3.  LGBT - 

4.  Natural Disasters -   Hurricane to hit New England and cause much devastation, first in 30 years; we have had 3 - 7.0 earthquakes or greater and 2 - 6.9 just this month;  never happened before; wildfires, extreme drought conditions continues in the west and northwest across to the Dakotas; 

5.  Pestilence - delta variant has us back in mandates and school closures; lambda variant and one to be named soon are on its heels; 

6.  Great Evil - homicide deaths just hit 13,000 deaths for this year this past week; last years record was 19,000 for 12 months, and we are already at 13,000 with four months to go; murder-suicides have lessened to 1 per day so far for August; 4 police officers have been shot and killed this month, there was 7 in July; total of officers killed stands at 41;  

7.  Economy Collapse

--bible readings up through Numbers 31;  word/phrase study this time, 'the fear of the Lord';
--the Activity of God - up through Luke 23, 3 pages left to finish Luke; should take another 3 -4 days;  207 pages left of New Testament, at least 2 years;
--A Word blog - up through Jeremiah 8:8; still 10 verses left in chapter 7 to finish, and only 3 of 8 verses in chapter 8 are complete;
--live stream and in person for churches is still happening, but with increased numbers, gauging health for congregations and families week to week;  
--Monday bible study - in person and live stream;
--Thursday Hour of Prayer - 7 PM, live stream only;
--SBC meeting in Nashville for prayer at the end of August;  Prayer Link meeting in Alabama in September;  


Started:  August 21, 2021




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