
"And being in agony He prayed more earnestly; and His sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground."    Luke 22:44

A crucial, unique special time of prayer is found here.  None of us can ever say that we was in the same place as Christ for what was upon Him, and within Him at this moment.  However, the marks of this prayer is needed to be taken up by the church and the Christian to employ in our prayer times.  For nothing is worse in prayer time or corporate prayer meetings than simply 'saying prayer'.  Saying a prayer that is just mouthing words, with no earnestness in it, nor fire in their petitions and no urgency or fervency for an answer from God.    Too many it is a chore, an unfamiliar practice, a religious duty, a chore.  Such prayers avail nothing.  We need earnest prayers filled with Divine saturation for His will to be done.  

This prayer was birthed out of agony.   Where is the prayer birthed out of agony today?  Many causes there are all around us that should produce agony.   Where is the agony in the prayer meetings for those dropping into hell fire daily?   there is much agony once they arrive in hell, but that is too late.   It is quoted that, on average, over 155,000 die on this earth every day;   with stats, that means over 90% die without Christ and go to hell for ever and ever.  No doubt, the church has lost its vision of eternity.   For watching a loved one drop into hell , or a complete stranger, should produce agony.  No one who knows the horrors of hell could ever sit at ease while such things are happening daily, hourly, moment by moment.   Can you see it?  Do you have an eternal vision of heaven and hell?    Is there an agony for those perishing? 

Have you been in those prayer meetings where there is great wrestling, great searching, great agony?   Is your secret closet filled with groans and tears and anguish?   Does the evil multiplying and flooding this society stir you up to grab hold of the horns of the altar and not let go until He answers and blesses?    Agony within the church and Christian as we see and hear daily the reports, news headlines and social media posts all defying God and HIs ways and embracing evil and the devils way that leads to hell.  Agony over the choices of our children and grandchildren who forsake holiness and righteousness and choose rather the world and flesh.  Agony over the Gospel with all its power in the Spirit, preached, taught and prayed, with little impact on those who need it most.   Agony! Agony that should lead us to God more and longer stays to receive 'grace to help in this time of need'.   

If agony in Christ produced in Him to pray more earnest, I pray God give us more agony.  But as I share these EPIDEMICS. they are horrifying and filled with agony, especially the murder-suicides.   I used Sunday the families standing around the complex in Miami that collapsed, and 150 unaccounted for.  Every one of those family members stand in agony, hoping for the best, but acknowledging the reality of what is probable for their loved one - death.   Agony for such moments to translate into prayer.   Our nation is coming apart; our homes are broken; our streets are filled with abominations;  hearts are broken and lives shattered.  Is there not a cause to pray more earnest?  This agony which we have to watch God systematically remove our nation right in front of our eyes; because 'they would not'.  

Many still are not praying.  But we are hearing and rejoicing in several happenings that they are praying and God is blessing - Amen!   Oh, that the secrete closet and corporate prayer meeting was filled with 'and being in agony, He prayed more earnest'.   Time is an issue here; we are running out of time.   We better get there soon, or it will be too late.  God, help us - 'for the godly man ceaseth, and the faithful fail from among us.'   

Ronnie Floyd set this forward before SBC in Nashville.  I am signed on and in much agreement with this.   Five areas to pray over and complete:
1.  500 missionaries to be sent;
2.  Calling out the called into ministry for the kingdom.  Missionaries, pastors, teachers, laborers into the harvest. . . .
3.  Cooperative Program funds to increase to pay for these projects.
4.  5000 new churches, additions and increase of starts and revitalized.
5.  18 and under children to receive Christ.   46% drop in baptisms of this age bracket over the last 10 years;  we are losing this generation.    
These are to help reach every country, city, home and life with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I am very big, that in our lifetime we can complete Matthew 24, "and when the gospel has gone to the ends of the earth, then the END SHALL BE.'   ETEN ministry has a goal of 2033 to have the Gospel in every language and for every people group.  Someone recently stated that they are looking to have that done by 2029 now.   8 years folks! and then the end shall be.   We are so close.   We must do all to reach them while there is still time.  For the night is coming, when no man can work.   

Broken Before the Throne Ministry:   ministry is taking on unique time; much has been quiet since NDP; but in last several weeks and into July, several individual meetings with several pastors and a missionary family;  I have offered my ability to do live stream and conferences to set up for Vision 2025 over the next 4 years to help in fulfilling this agenda for the kingdom.   Have not started anything yet.    My daughter is going to set up a newsletter for me to share in the photos that we have largely shared on social media about our trips throughout June to SBC and meeting with Carter Conlon.   6 months into this ministry most recently and what a blessing.   Thank you to those praying and those giving to support.    

1.  Drug/Alcohol -
continued demonic attack of holding so many captive in addictions, mind and life; death, dying and destruction;  Where is the Great Deliverer?  

2.  Children - cases coming before us of abuse and neglect;   

3.  LGBT - such an increase in this push for acceptance and conformity to this abomination that is leading us to our end;  Romans 1, God is giving us over;  NFL player recently came out that he was homosexual, Biden praises him, Olympic and laws and colleges taking up this issue of allowing transgender to compete;  What evil is among us!

4.  Pestilence -   corona virus continues to decrease in US; but Brazil, India, and other nations are seeing continued death and increase in cases;   CDC declared that STD's have increased again in the US and set record of cases, millions; and after 18 months of covid, most recently in our area, an increase of diagnosis for cancers - much prayer is going into these lives for healing;

5.  Natural Disasters - unique record setting disasters;  record setting heat in the north west; extreme drought conditions in the west and south west; larger scales of ice melting off polar icecaps; record, historic drought in Brazil, coupled with on top of their huge corona virus deaths and cases; Crimea flooding - 100 year flood; numerous of these disasters world wide, hastening the judgements of God on this earth for our great oflly;

6.  Great Evil -  mass shooting, overtook murder-suicides, a first; and mass shooting passed over 300 yester day;   unbelievable stats with such dying, death and impact, minds and hearts are greatly impacted and affected, herein is the battle of our day, for all blood shed continues to defile the land and bring forth God's wrath against us;  He is allowing this increase to hasten our demise;

7.  Economy - this month, I added this, for it is a certainty that this will be one of our greatest impacts of God's judgement;  we will know want and need, the like of which this generation has not known;  all that has kept us from God, shall be removed;  and Money, which is our god, our idol, will be taken away; a devastation no doubt ushering in the end of times;

--bible readings up through end of Luke;
--The Activity of God - up through Luke 2;
--A Word - Jeremiah chapter 6, first 26 verses started; all but 7 are finished:  better work of starting and finishing for this chapter;  many previous verses in Isaiah and earlier chapters of Jeremiah to get done;
--service at Keyser and Fox's Hollow in person and live stream;  stream Thursday Hour of Prayer;
--prayer times consistent;


Started:  June 26, 2021




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