
"And David said, What have I now done?  Is there not a cause?" I Samuel 17:29

A day of prayer is called for, and is now upon us for tomorrow, April 24.  'What have I now done?'  I have called for SBC churches, pastors and members to cry out to God specifically on this day.  Some would say, 'should we not call out every day?'  Absolutely!   And praise and blessed be God for those that do occupy their secret closets every day, praying continually and without ceasing.   But this is a special day of calling to the body of Christ to assemble and make an intentional day, times and effort to be houses of prayer and a people of prayer.  For the reality of our day is that far too many neglect and forsake their secret prayer closets; and far too many of our churches have no corporate prayer weekly or monthly.  

Now they will tout that they pray; and they classify that by opening and closing in prayer; but we are talking about prayer times that teaches us how to pray in small groups, and corporately as the body of Christ for the kingdom of God and the spiritual warfare that is upon our nation, homes, and communities and the church.   Far too many prayer times in the church is over 90% physical needs, and  never engage in spiritual issues during prayer times.   And failure to pray against the wiles of the devil and the war plans of hell, this gives SAtan and his demons free access to devour, destroy and kill.  And with no restraint from heaven offered by our prayers, we will not see  His kingdom come and His will be done.    But with God's people praying, there is victory, restraint of evil and overcoming of hell's agenda for God's glory.  

'Is there not a cause?" to call for a day of prayer to emphasize our great need?  Out of 330 million in the US, it is estimated that 300 million are without Christ.  Churches are decreasing; attendance and membership is shrinking; salvations are limited and many of those that profess Christ, within months are back in their sins and forsaken that which they professed to Christ; what was they truly saved from and saved to then?   ARe our streets not filled with blood? are the abortions mill still not killing 2200 babies every day in the US?   Is evil not advancing? Is drugs and alcohol not legalized and destroying the fabric of life across the board?  Are men not living for the affections of this earth and have completely cast off the reality of eternity in heaven or hell?   And as Ravenhill stated, '5 seconds inside eternity, we all will have wished that we would have served more, prayed more and done more.'   

Is there not a cause? to the church and the  pulpits which are filled with mostly teachers and hardly a true pulpiteer; is the pulpits found with unction filled men proclaiming the whole counsel of God?  Where are the God breathed men that spend more time with God, than with men? Where are the weepers before God over the fallen state of souls perishing into hell fire?  Where are the men that preach as a dying man to dying men?  Where is the power of Pentecost? Where is the Lord God of Elijah?   Where is the glory Shekinah of God manifested? 

Yes there is great need to hear and see these plights upon us.  And to know that a praying people, found obedient to God are Spirit filled and overflowing with rivers of joy out of their bellies with the things of God.   Prayer changes men, changes a nation and changes His church with enduement of power from on high.   And it will happen when God's people become houses of prayer again; and God's people occupy regularly their secret prayer closets before Him.   Great things happen when God's people pray.

So yes, we will call for a day of prayer.  We will assemble and come boldly before the throne of grace to obtain His grace, mercy and help for this time of need.   And for those that have maintained their prayer time before Him, glory to God for you.   Thank you for holding the line in this age of assault from the enemy and the flood of evil.   But you should not be the few, but we should come in our millions to stand with you and flood heaven with the prayers of the saints.   

"A Call to Pray - SBC" - April 24, 9 AM (EST) - 9 PM; 9 speakers, bringing the Word of God and leading us in prayer targets and points to engage in.  Calling us to return to be houses of prayer and to be men and women of prayer for the glory of our Lord.   The hour is late, the need is great; pray so as to prevail.   Found at my new website:  


1.  Drugs/Alcohol - death, overdoses, and abuse;

2.  Children -    neglect, abuse, erosion of innocence and naiveness upon this next generation;  they will no know shame in anything, because they have been exposed to everything all their lives.    

3.  Natural Disasters - southwest US under extreme drought and conditions spreading;  volcano activity continues; numerous erupting, like never before;   earthquakes are quiet and expect a rise in the next weeks;  

4.  LGBT - continued advancement of acceptance and to call evil, good;  

5.  Pestilence - covid is record setting in India, with over 300,000 cases each day this week; death rates already starting to rise to match this new strain;  Brazil continues in death and cases;  

6.  Great Evil - murders/homicides; murder-suicides; and suicides;  All of which continue to happen in record setting destruction of life, homes and communities;   death, dying and destruction to pray against;  minds and hearts are evil affected;


--bible reading up through II Chronicles 9;
--The Activity of God - Matthew 24;
--A Word - up through Jeremiah 5:5, need to go back and finish multiple of these verses in Jeremiah;
--new web site set and continue to add and arrange things;
--BBtT is my ministry, but simply an extension of what I've always been doing;
--live streams on all social media and web site;

Dan Biser

Started:  April 23, 2021




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