
"A CALL TO PRAY - SBC"   April 24; 9 AM (EST) - 9 PM via live stream;

The hour is late for our nation and for the church in North America.  SBC churches, pastors and servants are struggling with numerous issues.  Our nation is plundering under Romans 1, 'being given over to reprobate minds.'  And as the church goes, so goes the nation.  A Divine moment is what is needed from God alone.  These Divine moments are found when God's people set themselves to pray.  Many SBC churches do not have a corporate prayer time; many pastors struggle and have confessed, 'I have no prayer life'; and far too many SBC members struggle with their own prayer life in their secret closets.   This 'Call to Pray - SBC' is to set forth the message, once again, "it's time to pray and seek the Lord"; 'for who knows if He will repent and leave a blessing behind Him.'   

We are setting forth the call from the Word of God and through pointed, specific prayer targets, Scriptures and points.  This call to SBC is to become 'houses of prayer' and a people of prayer.   It is your opportunity to set forth the Word of God with holy instruction from Him to us, His bride and children.  And it is to set forth examples, testimonies and prayer points for them to use and pray in agreement for these Divine moments that we so much desire.   I am allowing you to follow the Spirit's leading as to how and what you are to bring.  Some will bring confession, some repentance, some correction, some promises; simply share what the Lord has placed on your heart for our SBC brethren.  

Thank you for being a part of this most needful hour of our nation, our time in which we are living, and for our SBC.   As I have shared with numerous of you, I will not get on the other side of God's cataclysmic judgement and wish I would have done more.  While we have time, let's make the most of it.  For none of us know what the end of this year may hold.    I will update you as things change or develop.   

SPEAKERS:  (share a photo with me that you desire to be used, or I will have to find one of you)

Each speaker has 45 minutes to 60 minutes to share.  Bring the Word, lead us in prayer points and themes.

--Richard Blackaby;
--Sammy Tippit;
--Keeney Dickenson:
--Ronnie Floyd;
--Greg Frizzell;
-- David Franklin:
--John Franklin;
--Claude King;
--Dan Biser;
--James Pool;

There are a few that was not able to be a part; and there was a few that did not get back with me.  And unless things change, this is the set line up.

Most of you have shared whether you will be live on that day, or pre-record a video.  If you have not communicated that to me, please let me know, when you send me your pic.  I have left live or pre-recorded up to you.   If you do the pre-recorded video, I will need that by April 20, so I can make sure I am able to access and have it lined up for Saturday's broadcast.   


This is one day, call to prayer.   9 AM (EST) - 9 PM;  Still pending speakers response, that may alter some of the times;

Morning session:  9AM (EST) - Noon

Afternoon session:  1 PM (EST) - 4 PM;

Evening session:  6 PM - 9 PM;


Wednesday, April 14 - mass blitz of promotion across all SBC state conventions, associations, seminaries, and entities.   A postcard and/or brochure with all the info will be prepared and sent as an easy copy and paste media announcement.    Once the flyer is finished, I will send to you all.  

Each of us has impact in certain and remote areas across SBC.  I am asking for your help to promote and make them aware of this time of prayer.  It will be recorded and streamed for those that miss it, but able to access on youtube and the website at later date.  


Dan Biser


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