"But ye have not returned unto Me" - Amos 4:6, 8, 9, 10, 11

Here we are at the close of the year, and what a year!   Record setting judgements and record setting means to set forth the great need to return to the Lord.   And yet, overall for the masses of our nation, there is still no move to reconcile with the Lord God, Who gave us and blessed us as a nation in so many ways.   There is no real measure of the church seeking to cast off its carnal lifestyle and unholy ways and doings and return to the Lord.   And here in this chapter 4 of Amos, God speaks and says:
I took away your food, gave you famine;
I took away your water, gave you drought conditions;
I took away your crops, and gave you food shortages;
I took away your health and sent you pestilence, severe as in Egypt pestilence;
I overthrew your cities and destroyed places and people, and gave you death, dying and destruction;

And in the midst of all those judgements against His Own people, still they would not humble themselves and return to the Lord.
Do you not see the mirror reflection of the United States and the church in these same things for our current crisis?

God says:
I have sent & allowed pestilence of cancer, covid, disease, dementia, Alzheimer's and still you have not returned to Me;
I have sent you record setting natural disasters, wildfires, floods, earthquakes, and still you have not returned to Me;
I have allowed your sins to destroy your homes, marriages, and children and grand children; and still you have not returned to Me;
I took away the power and Presence of My Holy Ghost and made your churches empty from the power and Presence that produces church attendance, baptisms, missionaries, pursuit of Me and holiness; all these things failed; still you would not return to Me;
I allowed your lasciviousness to erode your culture with addictions, drugs, overdoses, abuse, and still you would not return to ME;
I sent and allowed demonic and dark evil to invade your minds and hearts so that men killed, committed suicides in record numbers and took away their whole families in murder-suicides, and still you would not return to Me;

And this leaves us with the question, "WHAT WILL IT TAKE TO CAUSE US TO RETURN TO THE LORD?"  

I do not have an answer on that!   The answer has been in days gone by, that it took to be bankrupt of people, freedoms, money and living conditions.  This is so scary and fearful to consider.  For if all these things did not humble us, and God has allowed and caused an Ichabod moment, I fear we will never return to Him.  And in that scenario, He will bring us to utter DESOLATION.   Desolation, so horrible and terrifying that the vast majority have not ever considered a possibility.  A desolation affecting every part of our lives and nation.   Every home, every individual, will feel HIs wrath.  Why?  Because we would not return.  

Now, again, I speak to you, we as the remnant, have wept, talked, prayed, knowing these truths.   And it will be us, that responds.  But whether we prevail or not, I know not.  For in this past year, consider how much has been done, to rally the body of Christ together to respond and return to Him. Yea, we had the solemn assembly in September by Kevin Jessip and Jonathan Cahn , "The Return".  A most powerful moment and a pleading that was so much needed.   There was my own initiatives the Lord led me to do, 'A Call for A Solemn Assembly", in April and August.   There was Carter Conlon's "Plymouth Rock Prayer" and renewing of the covenant the pilgrims prayed 400 years ago.   And our most recent, 'Concert of Prayer", to set an example of corporate praying needed for this hour; urgent & desperate and fervent praying.  

We may be at that point of doing moments of praying, fasting and hearing and knowing the Word that it  will not suffice.  Perhaps it is time to do as Amos 5 says, "Seek the Lord" and seek Him till He comes.  Gather before Him and wait until He comes.   I don't know that that is even feasible to most of the church and even the faithful remnant would not be able to do something like this.   But no doubt, we are out of time and the hour of our desolation is nearer than most think.   

I rejoice and celebrate for all that I have seen and heard that body of Christ has done and is doing.  And I rejoice in what God allowed me to do and be a part of.  Yet I know, we have not prevailed yet; therefore I am resolved to increase, to seek others that will join me to prevail.  I am still anchored on Joel 2:14, "who knows if He will turn, repent of the evil that He thought to do unto us and leave a blessing behind Him."  He has not told me to stop praying for these people yet.  Therefore I believe there is still time, no matter how short the window of opportunity is.  There is still time to respond. 

I thank you that carry the like burden and passion.  There is a remnant.  But woe to the majority that are still fixed on Trump; still fixed on football/sports; still fixed on plans and programs; still fixed on their way, rather than God's way.  Woe to the prayerless churches in this hour; woe to the prayer closets that are empty and cobwebs grow over.  Woe to those that still one sided in their passion of denominations rather than the kingdom of God.   For you did not know the day of your visitation, and you did not do all that was required of you.   

AS I have said, to my prayer partners and to the speakers of the Concert of Prayer, I will not get on the other side of this time of severe judgements with regret.  I will do and take every opportunity to prevail in prayer before God.  I will come boldly and I will wait much before Him.  I will not stand before Him, knowing that He was ready to destroy a nation and I did nothing, and did not respond with more urgency and fervency for what was happening and will happen.   I will not be disobedient to the heavenly vision.   I will labor and seek to 'finish the task' of Matthew 24:14.   

Brethren, continue to grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ into the new year.   

1.  Drugs/Alcohol -
continued blight on our nation and homes;  stats will be somewhere around 150,000 deaths due to drug and alcohol;  that's short term affects; long term affects is health issues, abuse, recovery etc.;   This is the great demonic stronghold of addictions.

2.  Children - as so many of these other plagues that have become epidemics, it will be hard to find a child growing into teenager and adult that has not been sexual abused, physical or emotional abuse with direct consequences upon the next generation;  for abused children are a high percentage of repeating the behavior without any deliverance from the Lord.   WE continue to lose this battle in the homes, schools, and we are already a generation and a 1/2 into this process of the all children being abused in the worst ways.  Innocence and naiveness all but gone.  And as they will seek to legalize pedophilia it will finish us.  

3.  Natural Disasters - what can we say?!  record historic wildfires; record historic hurricane season; floods; the last week has produced a scary look of multiple volcanoes erupting at once world wide;  earthquakes, recent one in Croatia was strong and devastating, but only a 6.4.    a swarm of earthquakes off of Chile at one time, of over 6.0  reveal that a major earthquake is near;  this may be the 8.0 or greater that we are long over due fore, 19 months overdue.   Not if, but when.  

4.  LGBT - if Biden is made president, and there is not civil war, the advancement of this abomination will be instant; and it will only embolden them and seek to destroy the true church that shares the Word of God on their choices. Laws, judicial edicts will come against pastors, ministries, and churches like never before, so that they may practice and swallow other up with their evil, perverse ways; and God will end us for it.

5.  Plagues - covid is ravaging our land; deaths, new strand and still no calling upon God;  this is like the murrain upon the animals in Egypt, before God brought them to their finish with plague #10;  although death and dying is all around us.  And still the Trumpettes sound out that its a hoax and false means to have vaccine.  Lunacy prevails.

6.  Great Evil - record setting year again; 20,000 homicides on streets/homes; 24,000 suicides; - 44,000 deaths by gun;  almost 600 murder-suicides;  record setting 20 mass murders and over 610 mass shootings;   mind and hearts filled with evil, demons and no care for life/lives;  1000's of families and communities impacted and affected;  as covid, disasters, cancer, drugs, so will be filled with every family having these evils impact us all.

--we are currently 1/2 way through our non stop prayer times for the nation and the state of the church;  Thank you to each that signed up and is joining in this most needful hour of prevailing prayer.   Prevail or Fail!

WE concluded Monday.  And I am grateful to all that helped, prayed and supported this most needful hour of assembling the remnant.   One more time before this year closes, we gathered for to set an example of what is needed everywhere - Proclamation of the Word and protracted prayer times dealing with our sin and pleading for God's help;
All videos are broke up into each speaker and are found on Sermondindex youtube channel.

My close of the year:
--bible read through once; back through 2nd time up to Ezekiel, should finish in January or 1st of Feb.;
--Psalm 119 came much easier in re-memorizing it; it still feeds the soul;
--A Word - up through Jeremiah 2;  during summer months, I made great strides in finishing Isaiah and catching up on many chapters to finish.   Over 2000 Scriptures started and/or done;
--word study in Bible reading was all the words that begin with "R";  current work is phrases of "None but You O Lord"; and "worshipping";   
--works on blog were numerous;  Judgements; prayer; 
--live streams - became the norm for most of the year and were our only means of doing "A Call for a solemn assembly" and "Concert of Prayer";  church services twice on Sunday; Monday night bible study & Thursday night Hour of Prayer;   in most recent weeks pastors from the area gathered to minister to the churches and community;  a plan for the new year will be needed to stay together and advance His kingdom;  pray for this!


Started:  December 30, 2020




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