
"Take heed now that ye fail not to do this:  why should damage grow to the hurt of the kings?" Ezra 4:22

The enemies of the children of Israel, were actively involved in securing the king against Israel's labors to rebuild the temple, and the city of Jerusalem.   And they secured it.   Here in this chapter, the enemies of Israel had secured the order from the king to stop any rebuilding or advancement for the people of Israel.    The king replied,  'why should damage grow to the hurt of the kings of Persia?'    And the king uses it in reply to the enemies of Israel to stop them, and for them to take heed not to fail in stopping them, lest the kings power and revenue be hurt.   

This one verse is speaking to us today.  Throughout this past year, we have heard far too many voices from the church issuing, what was called by them, and others, "PROPHETIC VOICES".  I lost track of keeping up with all the dreams and visions and hearing them say, 'God spoke to me, and said. . . :  ";
I had a dream. . . "; "I had a vision. . . ".   And all of them was the same - "President Trump would win re-election on November 3 in a landside".  And then they followed with, that the left would be so enraged with this win, that they would riot and plunder the cities.    Now, NOT ONE prophetic voice did I hear, say, 'Joe Biden would win.'   Not one said, that Trump would win in 2024 or later, but November 3, 2020, he would win his second term;  God told them this, they said.   Well we are now, in the middle of November, and it is still not decided, but looking like Joe Biden is the next president.   And on December 14, the electoral college will vote and then it will be decided.       

If there is one thing that needs to be learned by the church, it is this! -- 'QUIT LISTENING TO THE FALSE PROPHET!'     It is not decided yet, but thus far their  projections for Nov. 3 is grossly wrong.  The following church leaders are some of those that I marked as speaking a false prophetic word to the church and to the nation:
--Paula White Cain; Dana Coverstone, Lou Engle; Pat Robertson; Sid Roth; Jeremiah Johnson; Ken Christmas. . . I'm sure there are others, but this much is true for us in the church - THEY LIED!  They were not a prophetic voice from God.   They were a voice of their own making.   These are largely the spiritual voice  of the church and millions followed them on this journey for their great desire to see Trump win again.  And I have watched and followed some of them in the days following, and how easily they dismissed what they had done.  Seemingly uncaring of 'the damage they had done to the King of Kings'.   These false prophets have given 'an occasion against the Lord God."   Christ said He was the 'Truth'; and declared clearly that Satan was the father of lies.   And if you lied, and did not speak truth; then you spoke for the devil rather than for the Master.  Does that not make sense?   

Remember I Kings 22, all the false prophets of Ahab prophetically told the king of Israel to go up to the battle, for he would be victorious.  Yet, one prophet, one true spokesman for God, Micaiah by name, who would speak, 'Thus saith the Lord'.   Deceivers led Ahab to his death.  We don't need any more deceivers, or wolves in sheep's clothing, we need a prophet!  We need a Micaiah for this day!

Take heed, church!   Do not fail to be wise and discerning in these days to the voices speaking.  You are to give ear to them, hear what they are saying.  But your are not to swallow whole what they say without discernment and wisdom.  You are to discern and wait and see if that which they had said come to pass;  and if it does not come to pass, then they are a false prophet.  Now in the Old Testament, those that falsely used the Name of the Lord to speak lies, were to be killed and to put away that abomination.   Now today, each of these should confess and repent, if their prophetic word does not come to pass, that they conjured a false word from their own mind and heart.  (I do not use that word, conjure, lightly but clearly in what we are dealing with).   

Dear brothers and sisters, I implore you that this year alone, 2020, with what we have seen going on and happening, just within the church, 'we have given damage to the (true) King."!    
--Jerry Falwell and his wife, in their adultery; first lied about it, then condoned it as if it was ok;  Liberty University president; and the impact of the whole Christian community who looks to Liberty as a Christian go to, for secular college and ministry.  
--James MacDonald and his ministry allegations with his former church; huge mismanagement of spending of the Lord's money on personal means;
--Ravi Zacharias - upon his death and passing, he was noted as one of our spiritual giants; yet after his death and most recent in the last few months, his adulterous, lasciviousness of lusts with multiple women has come out;  not only discredited his ministry, but again the whole body of Christ is greatly impacted; 
--Gospel for Asia headquarters was raided, and $10,000's were recovered and much questioning on their financial accountability and ethics.  

This is not just for me to point out all the faults.  It is to obey the leading of the Spirit in the verse above and in other passages for us to be Christ like.  These are not things of God, these are things of the world and hell that these men, women and churches have done.   'Come out from among them and be ye separate.'   Our witness and integrity is at stake.  I lament and pray over these brethren, and their respective ministries.  I gave honor unto many of them, and was greatly grieved upon hearing and reading these things.  Now again, a disclaimer may come out that exonerates one or two of them; or perhaps reporting is in error, of which I will rejoice that these things were not so.  But largely these things are all certain or have already been proven; yet I hold hope that it not be.   We must do better! 

Now with all these mounting accusations against the church.  Church read the verse again, 'Take heed, that you fail not do it'.  Fail not to do what?   Take heed - a warning is issued for us to be mindful of Whose we are;  we are to be discerners of the spirits of what sort they are of;  we are to embrace Truth, and call out and dismiss lies;  we are to be followers of that which is right and good in His sight and flee from evil and all its agents.   Such things only hinder the work of the church more.   

Yes, the devil is behind all this, for he vehemently attacks Christ bride; yes men do fail, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.  But that does not undo the damage of what has been done, just in these months of this year.     And if one thing to shoot for in the new year, it is to approach God with clean hands and a pure heart.   Cleanse Thou us, O Lord from all iniquity.   Let us stand as vessels of honor, and not dishonor;  make us in Your image in all our ways, and not in just some.  

Now, brethren, these things still remain uncertain.  And time will reveal it all.  Yea, for the prophetic voices of Trump-ettes, it will be revealed in less than a month and in January at the inauguration.   And in the mean time, almost all of these men and women have gone right back to their spiritual language and vocabulary.   This cannot be.  If anything, they should sit in silence before the Lord, till it is revealed the will of the Lord in these things.   And if they be found true, Amen and amen.  But if they be found false, then let them repent and confess their sin against God's people, against the nation and against God Himself.   

And the worse news, that I could write to you, after speaking to these things already read and mentioned.  That what does the lost and the heathen say about these voices coming from the church if they prove to be false?   Does it not give them claim to denounce that which we profess to hold so dear?   Can we allow for such folly to be named among us and left to go unheeded?    Ah brethren, you know that sin within us must be dealt with.  And dealt with as Scripture gives us pointed, directed leadings on.   I would not give hell or the world one more excuse to show forth that they are right and God is wrong.  For I labor to take away their excuses of why they reject Him and refuse to obey Him.   For they do assume that because these voices who claimed God spoke to them and told them these things, and then it is only to reveal they lied; it gives these agnostics ammunition for their argument against Christianity.  Oh, how much better we must be in our witness for Christ in this world.

Take heed brethren; fail not to pray one for another; fail not to encourage one another in the good and right way;  fail not to be holy;  fail not to edify;  fail not to rebuke and correct, those losing their way;  fail not to speak truth, and undo the lies;  FAIL NOT!   Lest there be damage to hurt our Lord and Kingl Lest they be given a word to speak against our King for our folly; lest we turn some away from truth to lies, away from the Light to the darkness; lest we turn them away from heaven to hell.   Give not place to these things of flesh and world.   Give place to Him alone; 'for if you abide in Me, I will abide in you.'      


1.  Drugs/Alcohol - on path to legalizing drugs across the board;  no crime, no restraint, 'every man did that which was right in his own eyes.'   death and destruction of a society, nation and future hope;

2.  LGBT - Biden will advance, courts and legal actions to promote, help their cause;   Church and Christians that call it evil and sin, will face criminal charges for truth of God's word.   

3.  Children - continue to see numerous reports in a week of attempts to steal children, children taken and sex traffic is on going;  during these trying times and out of school greater risk of abuse that will go unnoticed and unreported;   Boys Scout lawsuit against child predators is over 80,000 cases;  Catholic church and Pope knew and covered up priests sexual abuse against children world wide;   Great evil;

4.  Natural Disasters -  cat. 5 hurricane hits Central America, onen right after another; same in Pacific with Philippines and Vietnam;  devastating storms, flooding, wind, crushing so many areas world wide;  unprecedented!   Signs of the times of the end of great tribulation!

5.  Plagues - covid, is right off the charts world wide;  life and death;  our county high alert and this past Sunday night gathered pastors from community to do a live stream to pray;  well received and supported;  

6.   Great Evil - milestone in Murder-suicides - hit 500 today for the year;  usually averages 550 - 600 over the last several years, still on track to fall into that stat;  devastating;   mass shootings already at record high for this year;   several police shot and killed this month, praying against any more for this month and close of the year;  suicide at record high and surging;  Targeting in prayer II Cor. 10 taking captive the thoughts - mind and hearts evil affected, I pray for God to restrain and restrict these actions.

Upcoming Projects:

1.  100 Close of the Year Prayer - Dec. 28 - Jan.1   Let  me know what day and hour that you desire to pray in regards to our nation, and the state of the church;
2.  Concert of Prayer to live stream a broadcast dealing with these things that we have mentioned and shared for the close of this year and beginning 2021.  Looking at Dec. 27, but will announce soon.

--bible readings; up through Ezra;  
--The Activity of God - Ezekiel;  1 chapter to go, 75 pages to finish Old Testament;  moving along; so excited to near the end of this book;  and I can see light at the end of the tunnel;   I told Georgie, its like hitting mile 20 in a marathon, you know your almost done
--A Word - Jeremiah chapter 2; chapter 1 has all verses started, 1/2 are finished;   back in Isaiah, chapter 61: 1- 3 to finish, all verses in this chapter are done;  
--live streams for Sunday service, MOnday night bible study & Thursday Hour of Prayer;
--BBtT ministry - still working on paper work, set a dealine for myself to finish by November 30 and submit to lawyer by Dec. 1;  hopefully legal by Jan. 1, 2021;   
Still looking and considering Zoom call for prayer partners.   


Started:  November 17, 2020




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