"Therefore also now, saith the Lord, turn ye even to Me with all your heart and with fasting and with weeping and with mourning:  And rend your heart. . . and turn unto the Lord your God. . . Who knoweth if He will return and repent and leave a blessing behind Him?  . . . Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly:  . . . Gather the people assemble the elders. . . weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say. . . "   Joel 2:12 - 17

Tomorrow is an historic day for our nation and the church.  "The Return", a solemn assembly will be held in Washington, DC.   The Scriptures are clear, that when we see the judgements of God upon our land and nation, that we are to assemble before God and deal with our iniquity.  It is the hope of such a gathering that God may be intreated for our lives, families and for our very future.   The Solemn Assembly is to do three things:
1.  Cause the people to understand 'why these things' are happening to our nation - what and why this is being done to our nation;   God declares these things in HIs Word.  But due to many people not reading nor studying His Word in the church or out of the church, they rely on men's thoughts, knowledge and explanations.   There lack of knowledge of God's Word creates a large area of ignorance.   But God clearly states in His Word, "I send these things upon you" because of your rebellion against Me.   HE also tells us why He sends these things, 'because you have forsaken and forgotten Me.'   Explaining this to the people is the responsibility of the preacher, the prophet;  for they speak, 'Thus saith the Lord'.   For they know Who God is and what God has said.   They declare what God has said about Himself;  they declare what God has said about the people; and they declare what God requires of them.   

But what happens when people do not know the God of the Word, nor the Word of God?   They rely on humanism.  They seek men for answers.  They listen to every voice that has an explanation, theory, or .02$ editorial comment.   Satan loves this and takes full advantage of it.  He spreads 1/2 truths and whole lies within the church and among the heathen society.  Anything and everything so long as he can keep them from hearing, 'thus saith the Lord'.   Much damage has been done by this; much time lost.  The reason we are on the point of destruction is because we refused to hear, we refused to adhere to the Word.   Long have we had the call for the solemn assembly, for calls to prayer.   But God's house was not, and is largely still not a 'house of prayer'.  God's people are praying now, but largely for their own will and God's help to get them out of trouble.   It is much like the fire extinguisher at a gas station; it has the writing upon it, 'BREAK GLASS IN CASE OF EMERGENCY".   

2.  Cause the people to confess and repent.   AS the Word of God is made known to them, it is revealed wherein their sin lies.  It is the sins of a nation, of His church, of our families and of our own individual selves.  IN this is the sin known, and there is a spirit of conviction from the Holy Ghost, and that they will respond with confessing and repenting from that sin.  If they harden themselves from that move of the Spirit, there will be no confession or repentance.  And those that confess with no repentance; are doomed to return to their folly and face worse judgement of God.   This is the danger of emotionalism with music, speakers personalities and man made methods.   The Holy Ghost is the One Who brings conviction upon a soul/people, through the Word of God being preached with the unction from God.   

Sins and iniquities that have largely been left untended to are brought to the awareness of the people.  It is declared, 'Herein is your sins against the Lord God.'   Ignorance of these things is abroad in our nation and churches.   Widespread acceptance of the abominations that have been legalized  by our nation reveal the severe state of provoking against the Lord God.  The severity of our judgements are a telling tale of our provoking God to anger and fury.   Only the recognition of these high offences against God and His Word and His ways can remedy this.   Failure to make the people know their trespass, the more likely the sin will remain and never be addressed, confessed or repented of.  But when it is brought forth, it is the need of the people to anguish over, weep, mourn and howl before the Lord; for they know the high costs of our sins and what is has brought upon us and what it has costs us.   

This confession and repentance cannot be generalized; but must be very specific.   This will require time to have the Word brought forth, the sins specifically mentioned, Scripture reference and a response by the people.   Largely, past solemn assemblies, were in the hour of crisis.  And time is pressing for a answer and response.   The hour of our timing is critical for a right response.     Thus we sought twice this year to have protracted time to deal with these things over live stream weekends.  Trying to do this in 12 hours will be hard.  Many of the speakers and prayers are so short, that content or proper dealing will be able to happen.  YEt, God is able to work in the midst of this.   

3.  Cause the people to pray.    The petition is set forth, after the people have been made aware of their sin and transgressions.  AFter they confess and repent of their sins; and are acutely aware of their high offence against God in His wrath and punishment.  They know they are on borrowed time and their response will determine how much time they have left.   For a failure to pray and come before the Lord rightely in confession and repentance will hasten the final judgement of God against a nation, His people or a person.   They will be cut off from the earth and removed forever.   But when the people are aware, sensitive of their folly and God's response against them; they will move to intercede before God with the petition that He has declared.

That petition is, "Spare Thy people O God'.   It is a fervent, urgent pleading of petitions, supplicationa nd intercessions for what remains.  It is a prayer of God's will and ways to be done.   It is a prayer for the Divine to come and leave a blessing behind Him; and to not remove them from the earth.  It is a prayer of life and death.  All of our EPIDEMICES  that I share and promote for prayer targets are signs of the death of our nation.  Death through drug & alcohol overdoses and abuse; death through homicides/suicides and murder-suicides; death through LGBT; death through abused children; death through natural disasters; death through plagues.   All of these is the eradication by God upon our nation taking us to extinction.   We are now dying faster in our nation, than reproduction.   These are one way that is happing, abortion has murdered an entire generation.   

Thus knowing the wrath of God, the sins of our nation, therefore we plead with Him.  WE ask, for Him to spare us; we pray, 'in wrath remember mercy'.  For who knows if HE will turn and repent from the evil that He has been doing against us and leave off to give us time to reconcile with HIm.   God is merciful and gracious, longsuffering and patient.  HE will not give us forever; so while He has given us time, we must make the most of it.  

PRAYER MARCH - Franklin Graham set a call for people to gather on the same day as the solemn assembly to hold a prayer march around the solemn assembly.   None of this makes sense to me.  And presently I have not gotten answer as to why he did it.   Over these last years, there has been numerous occasions and times to do this.  People pray walk all the time.  I am not proponent of this style of praying.    There is a time for everything.  And the time for a prayer march has come and gone.  The focus should be detracted from of the solemn assembly, which the above 3 points detail.   Pray leading up to the solemn assembly, pray during and continue to pray after.  But the divisive call by Franklin Graham should be addressed.   Even after he was made aware of "The Return", he refused to submit to its existing program for his own agenda.  

Many are coming for the prayer march because they are not aware of the solemn assembly.  Perhaps many will be for both.  I understand these things.  But again, God has spoken on when and why a call for a solemn assembly is to be held.  And the silent prayer walking could be and is done at any time.  A correction to this divisive move should have be done.   Needless to say, it is all in play now, and we shall see what comes from it.  

OTHER ISSUES:  on top of the prayer march interfering with the solemn assembly, many of you know that other issues are set against anything that would edify the Lord.  President Trump is scheduled to announce his candidate for the Supreme Court.  And no doubt, many are looking to a woman, of Christian background that will be a deciding vote to overturn homosexual marriages and legalized murder of babies - abortion.   The enemy has already made aware its vows to destroy any such attempt by President Trump.  And the fact that it is on the same day as these other Christian happenings is unique.   

Also, with the verdict of indictments in Louisville regarding B.  Taylor, unrest, civil disobedience and protests has erupted again across the US.  This is always a wave of night activity of violence and looting in the streets.  MOre peaceful protests go through the streets during the day light.  So seeing that Friday night has activity for The Return, we shall see what impact upon the stage and people will be experienced.  During the day light on Saturday there may be protests, but not violent.  But at night, rioting and wantonness shall be seen.    

Spiritual warfare - it is again an understanding that whatever God is for, satan is against.  And Satan will make every effort to divide, distract and destroy the hope and opportunity for us to prevail with God.  SAtan will use all these divisions and distractions to avert the end result of prevailing before God for our nation and the church.   Anything to work towards that end of disruption should be fought, prayed against and removed.   Understanding that if he accomplishes his purposes, our demise is faster set in time to our ultimate end.   This is for an individual soul and for the fate of our nation and the church.      


1.   Pray for these specific things.
2.  Promote the live streams and/or be present.  I know at this late hour, it is not possible for many of you.  Thus, promote the social media feeds.
3.   This is not one and done.  So prepare for continued moving to seek God throughout the rest of this year.   Oct. 6 Carter Colon is doing a live stream feed for repentance for our nation from Plymouth, Mass on the 400th anniversary of landing of the pilgrims.   
4.   Concerts of Prayer monthly we have promoted for over a year now.  In the hope of setting a precedence for these very things of corporate fasting and prayer for specific sins.    Engage these concert of prayers and fasts.
5.  Understand God's will - Revival and/or Judgement.   We are under severe judgement; but not final judgement.  But as things continue to develop the absolute urgency to prevail this hour for revival is as never before.  And if we fail to prevail; Biden will win in November; nation will be plundered into chaos.  Religious freedoms and promotion of abominations will happen almost immediately.  And the church may largely be forced underground.  IF Trump wins, left radicals will seek a civil war; this may largely happen to violence near and far like we have never known before.  Either way understand God's will and ways.  He is doing and allowing these things for His purpose.  That is not revealed currently, but shortly it will be brought to pass.  BE READY!!!


1.  Drugs/Alcohol;
2.  LGBT;
3.  Children:
4.  Great Evil - Homicides/Suicides/Murder-suicides;
5.  Natural Disasters;
6.  Plagues;

I will update next prayer email.  But if you have questions, comments you can contact me via email, facebook messenger or text.   



Started:  September 25, 2020


Finished:  September 25, 2020


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