
Showing posts from August, 2024

100 Hours of Prayer for SBC - 20024

 Greetings, "And David said, What have I now done?  Is there not a cause?"  I Samuel 17:29 David had heard the words of Goliath. He had heard him defy the armies of Israel, and blaspheme the Name of his God. A holy anger welled up in him to do something about it. All the others, including his own brothers, feared and fainted before Goliath. But David contended with those of the army soldiers of Israel, and his own brothers that something must be done against this uncircumcised Philistine. David asked two questions: 1. "What have I now done?" 2. "Is there not a cause?" Set before you now are these same two questions. I ask of you the same questions in light of our current status. "Evil has come in like a flood" (Isaiah 59) upon our land, our cities, our families, minds and hearts of men and women, and even within the churches. God declares in Isaiah 59, that when evil does come in like a flood, that He raises up a standard against this evil. There